1. DESCRIBE THE STORMING OF BASTILLE – Rumors… Swiss Guard was going to use force against the Nat’l Assembly Foreign troops were arriving to massacre French citizens – July 14, 1789 a mob went looking for gunpowder & arms at the Bastille (the prison ran by gov’t) – Fall of Bastille is symbolic act of French Rev.
2. WHY WAS THE ESTATES-GENERAL CALLED FOR THE 1 ST TIME IN 175 YEARS? – E-G had Medieval Rules… assembly of representatives from all 3 estates Each estate had one vote = 3 votes total (no ties) Purpose of meeting… was to decide if the 2 nd estate (nobles) should be required to pay taxes to take some of the burden off of the 3 rd estate (peasants)
3. LIST THE GOALS OF THE CONGRESS OF VIENNA. – 3 goals were… Prevent future aggression by France solution surround them with more powerful nations Restore a balance of power no country could be a threat Restore Europe’s royal families to thrones
4. DESCRIBE THE REIGN OF TERROR Robespierre Assumes Control: Creates Committee of Public Safety Those who challenged his rules were killed; even fellow radicals Around 40,000 people Had Marie Antoinette killed Robespierre was killed by guillotine No one was safe from the guillotine
5. EXPLAIN THE DECLARATION OF THE RIGHTS OF MAN… “Men are born and remain free and equal in rights”
6. WHAT WAS THE SLOGAN FOR THE FRENCH REVOLUTION? Liberty, Equality, Fraternity (Brotherhood)
7. WHY WAS THE LA TERRITORY SOLD TO THE U.S.A.? Sold to Pres. Jefferson for $15 million Reasons: Got money to finance European attacks Punish British & make America stronger Cut his losses in America
8. DESCRIBE BRITAIN’S RESPONSE TO THE CONTINENTAL SYSTEM. – G.B. started their own blockade & it was stronger Neutral ships were stopped, sent to G.B. port, ships were searched, & then taxed
9. WHAT WERE THE TERMS OF THE TREATY OF FONTAINEBLEAU? – Gave up throne – Given a small pension – Banished to a small island off the coast Italy called Elba
10. LIST THE CHANGES ROBESPIERRE MADE TO FRANCE. Closed all churches Changed calendar into 12 months of 30 days Renamed the months No Sundays on Calendar Creates Committee of Public Safety
11. DESCRIBE THE “OLD REGIME” SYSTEM OF GOV’T. First Estate – – Roman Catholic Clergy Members 1% of population & Owned 10% of land Provided education & relief services to poor Contributed 0% to 2% of their income to gov’t Second Estate – – Rich nobles, 2% of population – Owned 20% of land & paid NO taxes Third Estate – 97% of population & Paid high taxes RESENTED THE 1 ST TWO ESTATES Believed in Enlightenment Ideals & wanted gov’t changes
12. LIST THREE REASONS FRANCE WAS IN DEBT – A FINANCIAL CRISIS Excessive spending & gambling by the monarchy Helping the Americans defeat the British in the American Revolution Taxes made it almost impossible to run a profitable business
14. DESCRIBE THE 100 DAYS Napoleon escaped from Elba Seized Power from Louis XVIII Fought Prussia and Russia to gain control of his Empire Lost at the Battle of Waterloo in Belgium Sentenced to life on St. Helena Island
15. LIST THE REASONS WHY NAPOLEON LOST IN RUSSIA Scorched-Earth Policy by Czar Alexander I Extremly cold and brutal Russian winter Lack of food and shelter
WHAT HAPPENED AT THE BATTLE OF WATERLOO? Napoleon’s last bid for power ended He lost this battle Then sent to exile on St. Helena island
17. A) ALEXANDER I OF RUSSIA - Used scorched-earth policy Burned down the “holy city” of Moscow when Napoleon was marching through Russia
17. B) FREDERICK WILLIAM III OF PRUSSIA Participated in the creation of the “Holy Alliance”
17. C) KLEMENS VON METTERNICH OF AUSTRIA Most influential ruler at the Congress of Vienna Was the Foreign Minister of Austria & Prince of Austria Distrusted the democratic ideals of French Revolution
17. D) LOUIS XVI Called up troops for protection and this caused the “Great Fear” among the peasants King of France that was executed by guioltine during the French Revolution
17. E) LOUIS XVII Son of Louis XVI – Died in prison during the French Revolution
17. F) LOUIS XVIII Brother of Louis XVI – Became King of France after Napoleon was banished from France
17. G) MARIE ANTOINETTE Austrian princess who spent a lot of money on fashion & playing cards. Was executed during the French Revolution
17. H) EMMANUEL-JOSEPH SIEYES Clergyman from the 1 st Estate Fought for the rights of the 3 rd Estate Recommended that the 3 rd Estate create the National Assembly
17. I) NAPOLEON BONAPARTE Born on the French island of Corsica Sent to military school at the age of 9 Fought in the French Revolution Army Rose to power and became Emperor
17. J) JEAN-PAUL MARAT Jacobin leader Wanted death to all who supported the King Stabbed to death while taking a bath
17. K) MAXIMILIEN ROBESPIERRE Jacobin leader Created the Committee of Public Saftey Killed between 30,000-40,000 people