National Council of State Housing Agencies 2015 Annual Conference “Value Proposition for Home Performance with ENERGY STAR” Ely Jacobsohn, DOE, HPwES Program Manager
2 I.Introduction II.Partnership with NCSHA III.What is Home Performance with ENERGY STAR? IV.Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Sponsorship Special Shout Out to our HFA Sponsors Alaska Housing Finance Corporation Kentucky Housing Corporation
Credentialed Workforce Whole House Assessment Work Scope & Installation Quality Assurance & Test Out HPwES Project What is Home Performance with ENERGY STAR? Trust – the work and the worker Quality – third-party quality assurance Whole-House Approach – methodical, thoughtful improvements A public-private voluntary partnership program focused on turning building science-based recommendations into solutions for improved, energy-efficient homes 3
ENERGY STAR New and Existing Homes Programs ENERGY STAR Homes New construction and substantial renovations Certified Rater is primary POC with builder or homeowner Provider network oversees Raters and is responsible for quality assurance Provides an asset rating Labels homes achieving threshold performance standards New construction and substantial renovations Certified Rater is primary POC with builder or homeowner Provider network oversees Raters and is responsible for quality assurance Provides an asset rating Labels homes achieving threshold performance standards Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Existing home improvements Participating Contractor is primary POC with homeowner Program Sponsors oversee contractors and are responsible for local program implementation including QA Provides whole-house assessment, report, and estimated savings for installed improvements Does not label homes but provides a certificate of completion Existing home improvements Participating Contractor is primary POC with homeowner Program Sponsors oversee contractors and are responsible for local program implementation including QA Provides whole-house assessment, report, and estimated savings for installed improvements Does not label homes but provides a certificate of completion 4
Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Update Completed over 480,000 projects since 2002 (through Q2) 22,381 projects completed in Q1 of That is about 5% growth compared to 2014Q1. 93,220 projects completed in This is 15% growth compared to The GHG emissions reduction because of these projects equals to taking more than 40,000 cars off the road for one year. Added the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation as a HPwES Sponsor in April 2015 Kentucky Housing Corporation joined in 2011 The average invoice cost of a project in 2014 was $5,600 (ranging from $600 – $17K). On average about 65% of the invoice cost was covered by the homeowner. The rest was covered by incentives.
Eligible to use the widely-recognized Home Performance with ENERGY STAR marks and ENERGY STAR Partner mark through *MY ENERGY STAR Account Access* Become part of a growing Home Performance with ENERGY STAR family of Partners Sponsor recognition through the ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Awards Dedicated Account Manager Support o Supports access to the national Program and to technical assistance o Fosters regional coordination among Sponsors Regional collaboratives established in SW, SE, and MW; pursuing for NE and NW Facilitated access to other DOE Residential Program resources including: o Better Buildings Residential Program Better Buildings Residential Program Solution Center Better Buildings Residential Network o WAP - Workforce Guidelines o Building America o Home Energy Score Coordinate and collaborate with sister agencies Help evolve HPwES (We value transparency) o We encourage stakeholder involvement through webinars, meetings, regional collaboratives and comment periods on new program policies and guidelines Benefits for Partners 6
Use the widely-recognized Home Performance with ENERGY STAR marks Separate your company from your competition Become part of a growing Home Performance with ENERGY STAR family Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Contractor of the Year (NEW) Access to marketing toolkit on password protected ENERGY STAR website Access to other resources such as standardized forms, templates, “pitch book” and lead forms Support for development of internal quality management system Contractor recognition (Century Club) Access to classroom, field training and mentoring support Access to sales and marketing training workshops Keith Williams/Quality Insulation Installers 2014 Housing Innovation Award Winner 7 Benefits for Contractors
87% of households recognized the ENERGY STAR® label when shown the label 85% of households had a high or general understanding of the label’s purpose 64% of households associated the ENERGY STAR® label with “efficiency or energy savings” 73% said the label influenced at least one of their purchase decisions very much or somewhat 75% were likely to recommend ENERGY STAR-labeled products to a friend Importance of the ENERGY STAR Brand 8
9 How HFAs Can Partner with HPwES HFAs can either become HPwES Sponsors or partner with existing HPwES Sponsors Two HFAs are already HPwES Sponsors (Kentucky and Alaska) Other HFAs work with HPwES Sponsors (Minnesota and North Carolina) Energy efficiency goes to the heart of housing affordability – not just getting consumers into homes but also helps keep them in their homes
10 Why HFAs Should Partner with HPwES Benefits to HFAs Access and use of the ENERGY STAR Brand! Don’t have to reinvent the wheel with branding Can support and enhance HFA single family rehabilitation programs HFAs can gain access to skilled contractor base Energy efficiency is consistent with and supports the mission of HFAs HPwES focuses on quality work that targets health, safety and comfort
11 Why HFAs Should Partner with HPwES Benefits to HFAs HFAs can leverage subsidy if HPwES Sponsors or other programs (utility, manufacturer, state & local gov’t) already have rebates available Some HPwES Programs have financing programs and products that can be used with HFA subsidies and their programs HFAs can provide financing that can be used with rebates that HPwES Sponsors and utilities may have available
For more information Ely Jacobsohn, DOE, HPwES Program Manager – Andrew Isaacs, SRA, Finance Lead/Account Manager – Do you want HPwES News? Join our Stakeholder List! us at to join Do you want HPwES News? Join our Stakeholder List! us at to join