Who is this?
Joshua Unsworth, aged 15, found hanged in his back garden after enduring months of cyber-bullying.
Hannah Smith, aged 14, hanged herself after suffering months of bullying on social network site, Ask FM.
Daniel Perry, 17, threw himself to his death off the Forth Road bridge after being blackmailed on the internet.
Paris Brown, 17, Britain’s first youth police and crime commissioner, who stepped down from the role over offensive comments she made on Twitter.
Is bullying a criminal offence under UK law? No Criminal and civil laws can apply in terms of, for example, harassment or threatening behaviour, and particularly relevant for cyber-bullying – threatening and menacing communications
As a pair your teacher will assign you one of the following aspects of E-safety: General Rules: Look into Be SMART, Netiquette, Viruses File Sharing: What is Peer 2 Peer sharing and Bluetooth. Downloading Music, Images, Videos and Games: How do you know that you are doing it legally. What are viruses and how can you avoid catching them? Mobile Phones: How to avoid Spam and huge bills from premium numbers. How do you keep your number safe. Chat: Staying safe in Chatrooms, MSN and Skype. What are the rules you need to follow when using , what are Chainmails. What to do if you experience Cyberbullying. Also look at Stanger danger. Digital Footprints: What are they? Cover the correct use of Passwords and Bookmarks. How can you avoid Identity theft. Safe Searching: What do you do if you come across Popups or Inappropriate Sites. How can you tell if the information you have found is reliable, valid and up to date?
What to do For your particular aspect you need to include an overview so that we all understand what you are talking about, some rules to follow to avoid the dangers and some action to take if you do experience any of the dangers. The way that you present your findings to the class is your choice you could for example: Write a Song Make a short Video Make a quiz Make a podcast Make a webpage Make some flash cards Write an essay Design an information leaflet/poster Provide a Powerpoint presentation The possibilities are endless! Use the skills you already have to do the best that you can. Content is king remember.
Useful Websites for this task These websites are full of information, make good use of them: How will the work be assessed This piece of work will be peer and teacher assessed. The criteria you will be looking for are that: The work is a detailed response to the task. It explains which aspect you tackled, provides an overview of the aspects, what the dangers are and how to avoid them. The work is presented in a consistent polished way. Fonts, images etc are appropriate to the task. The response is easily understood by other students. The work is original and fun to view/interact with/read or listen to as appropriate. You have worked well in a pair. Prep: I expect you to work with your partner on the content of your presentation. You will be allowed one further DC lesson to refine the content and then, in the following lesson, you will be presenting your work to the class.