The new CLIMSO* instrumentof Pic du Midi Observatory The new CLIMSO* instrument of Pic du Midi Observatory for studying the disk and the inner corona activity by J-C Noens, S. Koutchmy, R. Jimenez, S. Rochain, D. Romeuf and the « OA team** ». Obs. Midi Pyrénées, Pic du Midi Observatory & Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS & UPMC Obs. Midi Pyrénées, Pic du Midi Observatory & Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS & UPMC * Named after Christan Latouche, who sponsored the development of this new facility at Pic du Midi Observatory. ** The « O.A. » or « Observateurs Associés » team sponsored by Fiducial, OMP and the French PNST. Abstract We present a new facility called CLIMSO, developed at Pic du Midi Observatory to perform routine coronagraphic measurements of both the cool corona (spikes; prominences; ejections) in H-alpha broad-band, and the plasma corona, using the Fe XIII and the HeI IR lines. Full disk images are simultaneously obtained in both H-alpha and KCaII lines with narrow passband filters. The instrument is shown and exemples of images are given, including accurate composites made from disk and coronagraphic images obtained simultaneously. Data are available in BASS-2000 and in the Global H-alpha Network. Observations are used in CME and/or in solar activity studies. This instrumentation already participates in joint campaigns and it will be a valuable ground-based support during the SMESE mission. CLIMSO is a cluster of instruments to study the Sun. Movies of the sun (2K images) are made at high cadence (up to 10 s.), to show variations over its surface and inside the inner corona. The study of dynamic phenomena in the solar atmosphere should take into account the great inhomogeneity of temperatures, densities, magnetic and electric fields. CLIMSO thus acts as a global diagnostic tool of the solar activity, simultaneously in the cold corona and inside the hot corona, including surface events. It provides images via the French BASS2000 system. CLIMSO is made of 4 optical instruments to observe in 6 different wavelengths : a C1 coronagraph, for observing the cold corona in Ha ( nm) using a BARR filter; a C2 coronagraph, for observing the hot corona in He I ( nm) and in Fe XIII lines ( nm, nm, and the continuum at nm), using BARR filters; a Coronado L1 solar telescope to study surface phenomena Ha line with FWHM< 0,5 A a Coronado L2 solar telescope to study surface phenomena in Ca II K1/K2/K3:in nm) ("heavy ions", facular and network magnetic activity ). Finally in its technical specifications, CLIMSO has an outreach program. It was designed so that it can produce tutorial documents regarding the Sun, the corona and its activity, including real time images provided via terminals located in the museum part of the Pic-du-Midi Observatory. More informations can be downloaded from the Web site : Overall view of the coronal instruments inside the big dome of Pic du Midi Observatory, with the new package CLIMSO on the mount, at right. Note the large wheel used for calibration purpose, before the entrance apertures.