Storage device technical meaning- and I quote.” A computer storage device is any type of hardware that stores data. The most common type of storage device, which nearly all computers have, is a hard drive. The computer's primary hard drive stores the operating system, applications, and files and folders for users of the computer.”
What I think a storage device is- I think a storage device is a piece to a computer that stores daily life and business data that you save and do on a computer.
Punch card was invented Punch tape was invented Magnetic tape was invented Selectron tubes were invented HDD (hard drive disk) Laser disc and compact cassette were invented Floppy disk was invented SSD (solid state disk) was invented CD(compact disk) was invented CD(compact disk) was invented DVD(digital versitile disk) was invented DVD(digital versitile disk) was invented USB(universal serial bus) was invented USB(universal serial bus) was invented memory stick was invented memory stick was invented HVD(holographic versitile disc) was invented HVD(holographic versitile disc) was invented
And example of a storage device is a hard drive. It is used to store date that people save business information and daily use of any data that can be stored
Another example of a storage device is a flash drive. It’s a portable device that you carry that you can plug into the USB port of a computer and see and store data that you stored or if another has stored