Selenium January 2015
Selenium course content Introduction (Session-1)Session- Automation What is automation testing When to go for automation Advantages of Automation Selenium What is Selenium Use of selenium When selenium can be useful in testing Features of Selenium Differences between Selenium and QTP Selenium Components Selenium IDE Selenium RC Selenium WebDriver Selenium Grid Selenium Course Content 2
Selenium IDE (Session-2)Session- Recording the scripts using IDE Playing the recorded scripts Saving the scripts and using again Understanding of the objects identification (id, name) Difference between Test case and Test suite Languages supported while recording Testing Vs Selenium IDE When to use Selenium IDE Limitations of IDE Selenium Course Content 3
Selenium RC (Session-3)Session- How to download and configure Selenium RC? Difference between IDE, RC and WebDriver Starting and stopping selenium server Download firebug and firepath Open Google home page through RC Creating your first RC test Handling HTML Elements such as: Text box Hyperlinks Buttons Radio buttons Check boxes Drop down… Selenium Course Content 4
Selenium WebDriver (Session-4)Session- What is WebDriver Open Google home page through WebDriver WebDriver Features & Examples Handling HTML Elements such as: Text box Hyperlinks Buttons Radio buttons Check boxes Drop down… Finding Elements & text on a Webpage Printing all links and other values from a webpage and HTML Elements Using By class to find elements using different methods Web tables Dynamic web tables Capturing Screen shots How to Handle Popup Windows Running test in multiple browsers How handle Alert messages Simulating key press events Selenium Course Content 5
Testing Frameworks used in Selenium TestNG Framework (Session-5)Session- Introduction to TestNG Framework Writing Test Cases using TestNG Writing Test suites using TestNG Executing Test cases and Test suites JUnit Framework (Session-6)Session- Introduction to JUnit Framework Writing Test Cases using JUnit. Writing Test suites using Junit Executing Test cases and Test suites Selenium Course Content 6
Selenium Automation Frameworks (Session-7)Session- What is a Framework Types of Frameworks Modular framework Data Driven framework(Retrieving data from Excel and data base) Keyword driven framework Hybrid framework Use of Framework How develop the framework Integration of the framework How execute the scripts from framework Selenium Course Content 7
JDBC (Session-8)Session- JDBC concepts and terminology JDBC package Creating connection to a Data Base Accessing and manipulating tables using JDBC ANT & REPORT Generation (Session-9)Session- What is Ant Configuring Ant Writing build files to compile, execute and report generation Running Ant scripts for Test case execution and reporting Selenium Course Content 8
Selenium GRID (Session-10)Session- What is GRID When to use GRID Configuring GRID environment Executing Selenium script in GRID environment Mobile Web App Testing with Selenium (Session-12)Session- Configuring Mobile environment (Android) Execution of Selenium Test scripts (Android) AUTOIT (Session-12)Session- Introduction to AutoIt Installing AutoIt Integrating AutoIt with Selenium in Eclipse Develop the code with AutoIt and selenium Uploading file Selenium Course Content 9