senti__ental senti__ental spirit__al spirit__al sen__ational sen__ational enthus__astic enthus__astic fas__inating fas__inating music music
Music in my life. Music is a free art, an open-air art, an art boundless as the wind, the sky, the sea. Music is a free art, an open-air art, an art boundless as the wind, the sky, the sea. ( Debussy) ( Debussy)
Music in my life. What role does music play in your life? What role does music play in your life? What does music reflect? What does music reflect? Where can we hear music? Where can we hear music? What do you think about when you listen to music? What do you think about when you listen to music? What musical instruments are the most popular? What musical instruments are the most popular? Do you like having background music while you are working? Do you like having background music while you are working?
Music in my life. musicsymphonyfolkpoprockjazz №
Read the text and do the activities that follow. Read the text and do the activities that follow. Music is a language which speaks to everyone- from the day we are born we hear music of some kind most of the days of our life. But there are many different kinds of music as there are different languages, аnd it is impossible to describe them all. In the passage below there are a few well known types. Music is a language which speaks to everyone- from the day we are born we hear music of some kind most of the days of our life. But there are many different kinds of music as there are different languages, аnd it is impossible to describe them all. In the passage below there are a few well known types. “ Welcome to the concerts to the Gilbert’s Concert Hall! Look through the program and choose your music!” “ Welcome to the concerts to the Gilbert’s Concert Hall! Look through the program and choose your music!”
Music in my life. Which type of music do the performers play? Which type of music do the performers play? 1.The Bad Bad Boys a).punk music 1.The Bad Bad Boys a).punk music 2.Jimmy Wild b).rock music 2.Jimmy Wild b).rock music 3.Jamaica Inn c).reggae 3.Jamaica Inn c).reggae 4.Las Palomas d).folk music 4.Las Palomas d).folk music 5.Sam and The Band e).pop music 5.Sam and The Band e).pop music 6.The Vienna Orchestra f).classical music 6.The Vienna Orchestra f).classical music 7.Ronnie Sonnie g).jazz 7.Ronnie Sonnie g).jazz
Music in my life. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. pop music reggea classical music folk music jazz punk music pop music reggea classical music folk music jazz punk music 1.__________ is often played by a big orchestra in a concert hall. 1.__________ is often played by a big orchestra in a concert hall. 2.________ is often played by young people with guitars in a group. 2.________ is often played by young people with guitars in a group. 3.______ is usually played with brightly coloured hair. 3.______ is usually played with brightly coloured hair. 4. ________comes originally from black American musicians. 4. ________comes originally from black American musicians. 5. _______ comes from a specific region and is usually popular for a long time. 5. _______ comes from a specific region and is usually popular for a long time. 6._________ is popular for dancing in discos. 6._________ is popular for dancing in discos. 7. _________ is often played freely, not following written music. 7. _________ is often played freely, not following written music.
Music in my life. I want to tell you a few words I want to tell you a few words About the music in my world. About the music in my world. When I wake up, I hear a song When I wake up, I hear a song That takes me into my own soul. That takes me into my own soul. I want to sing it everywhere I want to sing it everywhere At school, at home, anywhere. At school, at home, anywhere. The song that can’t bring me fear, The song that can’t bring me fear, I hope it will be forever. I hope it will be forever. Let’s sing songs altogether Let’s sing songs altogether …………………………………… ……………………………………