CH. 2.2 Enlightenment Ideas Spread
New Ideas Challenge Society Ideas Spread through many levels of Society Encyclopedia Pamphlets Writers faced censorship Churches and monarchies tried to stop the flow of ideas Banned and burned books Enlightenment thinkers found new ways of spreading their ideas Novels- Gulliver's Travels, Persian Letters, Candide Salons - social gatherings, discuss social and political issues
Arts and Literature Reflect New Ideas From grandeur to charm Art: Painters embraced the lighter and more informal rococo style Music composers, too, moved into rococo and classical music with new styles of composition and subject matter Bach, Handel, Haydn, and Mozart. Literature novel - audiences devoured long stories about their own times.
Enlightened Despots Embrace New Ideas Absolute rulers Some adopted limited reforms inspired by the Enlightenment Frederick II of Prussia Praised Voltaire, worked for the common good, govt. more efficient, reduced the use of torture Catherine the Great of Russia Believed in equality & liberty, limited reforms in law & govt., abolished torture Joseph II of Austria Ended censorship, abolished serfdom, traveled as a peasant to learn more about his subjects problems. All showed religious tolerance. Still the monarchs were not willing to share or limit their power. Some even wanted to increase their power
Lives of the Majority Change Slowly Late 1700s Enlightenment ideas spread through Europe’s peasant classes. Some welcomed change, others did not “E” ideas, in combination with war and economic troubles, would bring the masses to revolt. French Revolution