Stichting Wereldvoedselvraagstuk Political Forum World Food Day 2006 October 16, 2006 De Jaarbeurs, Utrecht ‘Who makes a stand for food security?’ Stichting Wereldvoedselvraagstuk/Fao Comité is represented by Oxfam Novib, FNV Bondgenoten, Stichting Natuur en Milieu and LTO Nederland
Stichting Wereldvoedselvraagstuk Policy recommendations food security and entrepreneurship from local perspective Expert Meeting 1 ’Local Action for Food Security’; September 12, 2006 There is a general request for more attention towards agriculture on the Dutch political agenda for development co-operation. Intensification of agriculture in Africa is a necessity to guarantee food security in the long term. Make use of urbanisation: as a stimulus for development in the region. Farmers in Less Developed Countries (LDC’s) have to be recognised as entrepreneurs. There is need for a critical dialogue between the micro, macro and meso level.
Stichting Wereldvoedselvraagstuk Policy recommendations food security and entrepreneurship from global perspective Expert Meeting 2 'Global Action for Food Security’; September 27, 2006 Development co-operation should be focussed on economical growth in those areas that can benefit from it, but should be flanked by a safety- net approach for the poorest of the poor. Stimulate economic growth in some countries in Africa with ‘good governance’. Stimulate the processes of agriculture and agro-chains as important link for economic growth. The government should recognise their changing role towards public private partnerships in development co-operation. Stimulate an interdisciplinary and inter sector method of working for food security.
Stichting Wereldvoedselvraagstuk Summary of the recommendations of Expert Meeting 1 and 2 Stimulate entrepreneurs, economic growth and export biased growth and increase the opportunities for agriculture and the agro-chains in Africa. Focus development co-operation on economic growth in favourable areas and combine this with a safety-net approach for the poorest of the poor. Make use of urbanisation: the city generates a demand for agricultural products and is a centre of knowledge, capital and networks. The urban-rural connection is necessary. The government has to emphasise, more than is already the case, the dialogue and co-operation between industry and social organisations. The governments’ role in international co-operation has changed from lead role to side role.
Stichting Wereldvoedselvraagstuk Results discussion World Food Day October 16, 2006 Hunger and poverty are both cause and effect. That means that we have to work on both the fighting of poverty and the eradication of hunger. Keep development efforts small, seek the connection with local initiatives, local culture and approach people with respect for their individuality. Good governance is not only a prerequisite, but also a goal of development co-operation. International trade and its effect on the poorest countries plays an important role in food security. We should take this into account when making development efforts and critically reflect on this role by considering the facts.
Stichting Wereldvoedselvraagstuk Results discussion World Food Day October 16, 2006 Increase the access of LDC’s to international markets. Biotechnology and genetically modified organisms can contribute to the solution of the world food issue. Scientific research in this field is important. Recognise the right to food and help creating the conditions to fulfil this right. The right to autonomy and free choice should not be violated in doing so. Divisions between agriculture, environment and development co- operation should be demolished.
Stichting Wereldvoedselvraagstuk Results discussion World Food Day October 16, 2006 Make use of the extensive Dutch knowledge in the fields of agriculture, food production and water management in favour of the rural development of Africa. Not by trying to enforce a Green Revolution, but in a way that fits Africa. Specified and diversified. The Netherlands should fight for a restructuring of the FAO. Hunger and poverty are political issues and have to be solved through politics. How is this political will to be approached in the next couple of weeks?