Rowan Class 2015 16. Year 1: Where do the leaves go to in winter? KS1 Geography: identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom WOW.


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Presentation transcript:

Rowan Class

Year 1: Where do the leaves go to in winter? KS1 Geography: identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom WOW : Someone comes into the classroom dressed as Mr/s Autumn (leaf suit). Children to prepare questions to ask him or her. LC1Why are there so many leaves on the ground? LC2What changes do we see in our country with each season? LC3What would you need to do to become the next weather presenter? LC4How can you create patterns using leaves in the style of William Morris? LC5After listening to music entitled the ‘Four Seasons’, can you create your own music which captures different weather patterns? LC6Why are so many of the things you enjoy doing dependent on the time of year and the weather? LC7Reflection: In small groups create a typical weather forecast summary which will be filmed. Literacy Link: There are many opportunities provided for pupils to develop their oracy skills. These are especially provided within LC3 and during the reflection Numeracy Link: Lots of opportunity to set things out in charts, especially in relation to the weather. Children will be dealing with centigrade and also measuring rainfall. Creative Art Link: Having looked at the work of William Morris children should be invited to create their own print and drawing based on the leaves they have found. Expressive Art Link: There is an opportunity for children to listen to and appreciate classical music. They will then create their own music based on different elements of weather. Lila and David the secret Conway of Rain & Jude Daly 2© Focus Education 2014

Year 1 Geography : Where do the leaves go to in winter? Links to Year 1 mathematics: Me My teacher Can you find out what time it gets dark each day? Can you count the trees and bushes around the school? Can you count leaves in 2s, 5s and10s? Can you count how many leaves have fallen in a square metre of the playground? Can you measure 5 different leaves using cm? Can you sort a collection of leaves by length using the words long, longest, short and shortest? Can you find out which tree has the longest leaves? Can you find out how many seconds it takes a leaf to fall from 2 metres? Can you measure how much rain falls in a day using cm? Can you collect a litre of rain water? Can you find out which is the rainiest day this week? © Focus Education (UK) Ltd 20143

Year 1 Geography Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Geographical EnquiryPhysical GeographyHuman Geography Geographical Knowledge Can they answer some questions using different resources, such as books, the internet and atlases? Can they answer questions about the weather? Can they keep a weather chart? Can they explain the main features of a hot and cold place? Can they explain how the weather changes with each season? Can they begin to explain why they would wear different clothes at different times of the year? Can they say something about the people who live in hot and cold places? Can they explain what they might wear if they lived in a very hot or a very cold place? Can they point out where the equator, north pole and south pole are on a globe or atlas? Year 1 (Challenging) Can they answer questions using a weather chart? Can they make plausible predictions about what the weather may be like later in the day or tomorrow? 4© Focus Education 2014

Year 1 Art & Design Knowledge, Skills and Understanding DrawingPrintingKnowledge of ArtPainting Can they draw using pencil and crayons? Can they draw lines of different shapes and thickness, using 2 different grades of pencil? Can they print with sponges, vegetables and fruit? Can they print onto paper and textile? Can they design their own printing block? Can they create a repeating pattern? Can they describe what they can see and like in the work of another artist? Can they ask sensible questions about a piece of art? Can they choose to use thick and thin brushes as appropriate? Can they name the primary and secondary colours? Year 1 Music Knowledge, Skills and Understanding PerformingComposingAppraising Can they use instruments to perform? Do they look at their audience when they are performing? Can they clap short rhythmic patterns? Can they copy sounds? Can they make loud and quiet sounds? Do they know that the chorus keeps being repeated? Can they make different sounds with instruments? Can they identify changes in sounds? Can they change the sound? Can they repeat (short rhythmic and melodic) patterns? Can they make a sequence of sounds? Can they show sounds by using pictures? Can they respond to different moods in music? Can they say how a piece of music makes them feel? Can they say whether they like or dislike a piece of music? Can they choose sounds to represent different things? Can they recognise repeated patterns? © Focus Education

Year 1: How can we make a picture move? Mechanisms When designing and making, pupils should be taught to: Select from and use a wide range of materials and components according to their characteristics. WOW : Read books that include moving features with the children. LC1How can we cut and join paper and card? LC2 How can we use slots in the picture to allow parts of the picture to move up and down? LC3 How can we use split pins to allow parts of the picture to go round? LC4Which picture shall we choose and why? LC5 What parts of out picture do we want to move and how will this happen? LC6Can we create our product so that it works? Ref Can we explain how the mechanisms we used work? Art Link: Opportunities for the children to draw and use other relevant art techniques and skills, including using relevant software to produce their designs. Link: This Learning Challenge could be linked with any other area of the curriculum relevant to the children, with the moving picture being based on an aspect of that subject. © Focus Education (UK) Ltd Mathematics Link: Opportunities for the children to measure and draw accurately. Literacy Link: Opportunities for the children to develop their oracy skills and vocabulary.

Year 1: What can I hear in this place? Pupils should be taught to: Use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs; Play untuned instruments musically; Listen with concentration and understanding to a range of recorded music; Experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the inter- related dimensions of music. WOW : Play ‘’What makes this noise?’ game with the children, including familiar sounds from different locations. LC1What sounds can we hear in different places around the school? LC2How can we record different sounds and play them back? LC3How can we describe the sounds we hear? LC4Can we copy sounds and rhythms by making different sounds with our hands? LC5Can we copy sounds and rhythms using percussion instruments? LC6Can we sing songs about transport and journeys? LC7Can we describe pieces of music that have been written about journeys? RefCan we perform a musical journey from school to somewhere nearby? (To include the sounds we would hear and music and songs about the journey) Literacy Link: Opportunities for the children to write lists and develop vocabulary. Oracy Link: Opportunities to extend children's’ vocabulary. Geography Links: Opportunities to discuss and research places and develop children’s geographical vocabulary. Computing Link: Opportunities for using relevant hardware and software. © Focus Education (UK) Ltd Room on the Broom sound book Julia Donaldson

KS1: How do Christians, Jews and Muslims say ‘thank you’ to God for the natural world? KS1 RE: A1 Pupils should be taught to name different beliefs and practices, including festivals, worship, rituals and ways of life, in order to find out about the meanings behind them. WOW : Ask the children to imagine that they had no food or water for the next day. LC1When do we say ‘thank you’ and why? LC2Where does our food and water come from? LC3Why do many Christians celebrate Harvest Festival? LC4What happens at Sukkot and what is a Sukkah? LC5Why do many Muslims believe that Allah has made them guardians of creation? LC6How do we share with others? RefCan we perform an assembly to show our friends how different religions say ‘Thank you’ for the natural word? Literacy Link: Children could write ‘Thank you’ letters. Geography Link: Children could use maps to record where different foods come from. PSHE link: Opportunities to discuss and explore charities in the local area or that the school supports. Sammy Sylvia Spider’s Rouss First Sukkot Seven Gill New Vaisey Kittens Numeracy Link: Opportunities for sorting activities. © Focus Education 20148