Do you want to know about digital photography? Watch this and by the end, you will.
What makes a good photo… -Good lighting -Good texture -Good Composition -Rule of Thirds -Not blurry or unfocused What makes a bad photo…………. -Plain -Dull -No composition -Centered -Blurry -Unfocused -Distracting Assignment 1
On your camera, there are many setting and modes you can use to make your pictures that you take more interesting. Some examples are below. Landscape Mode Macro Mode Paranorma Assist Assignment 2
In Between- Where the lighting is just perfect not too bright and not too dark. The main subject is clear and so is the background. Dark- Where the main subject is not easy to make out and see how it really looks. Light- Where the picture is so bright some parts are so white they can’t be identiified. Assignment 3
2. Direction- Where the light is coming from. 3. Color- The color of the light which is being projected. 1. Quality- How soft or hard the lighting. 4. Quantity- How much light that is visible in the photo Can you match the pictures with the definitions? Assignment 4
This is a silhouette. A silhouette is where a dark subject is in front of a light background. This a “non silhouette”. A non silhouette is the exact opposite of a silhouette because the subject is bright and and the background is dark. Assignment 5
Forced PerspectivesDifferent Angles Assignment 6
When you take many different pictures of the same subject, you are seeing many different perspectives of that subject. Perspective means a new way to see things- a whole new angle. Down below is the same subject but four different perspectives of it. Assignment 7
Black and white pictures are very special because the whites are as white as they can while the blacks are as black as they can be. When they clash it gives the picture a lot of texture. (Like the tree picture). These picture were both once colorful but because of the black and white effect. It calms these pictures down and makes them look more relaxing and calming. Assignment 8
Plants are very interesting subjects because there are so many different types of plants and it is really fun to take pictures of them so you can see the differences between them all.
People are very common subjects for pictures. The reason this is because all people are unique and different which makes the picture unique and different. These pictures show different people in different angles which gives these pictures a unique twist.
What is the rule of thirds? It is where the picture is cut evenly in thirds two lines vertically and two lines horizontally. And when the subject of the picture takes up only 1-2 thirds of the picture while the rest of the picture is the background. Here are some examples of the rule of thirds:
Shadows- A dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface. Light in pictures are super duper important (as mentioned earlier). They are also very fun to play with. Meaning to shine a light at the subject so the shadow will cast or making a certain part of the subject standout by shinning a light on it. But most times the most beautiful light is natural.
Photography- It is a Greek word meaning “to paint with light”. It is the art of capturing reflective light on a photosensitive surface. Camera- A device used to capture an image still or moving. Composition- The putting together of pieces to make a whole. It is all the elements contained in a single image. Light- What cause the picture to be bright, dark or just perfect. Rule of thirds- Photos are divided into thirds, two line vertically and two lines horizontally. Perspective- A different angle or view of something. Exposure- The amount of light in a picture. Aperture- The lens opening that allows less or more light onto the sensor. Shutter Speed- The rate at which the shutter opens and closes.
Throughout this quarter, I’ve learned so many amazing techniques and facts that I never knew about photography. I learned things that I thought weren’t even possible and even though this course isn’t over yet I feel like I mastered the art of taking pictures. I’m so excited for the next quarter to learn more things and to get even better at digital photography. Thank you class and thank you Mr. Budworth!
Pictures “Camera Lens” free-vector-graphics/ “Rule of Thirds” “The lighthouse” photography-composition-ruleshttp:// photography-composition-rules “Baby” Information Special thanks to my models! Jeremy Suchet, Olivia Turner, Zeke Silberstein, Nandita Kamdar, Vincent Lew, and Spencer Van Dar Pleamen!