Insert Title Insert Your names and surnames Insert Logo of RDN around here (to be found on ENRD website)
Outline …
Area/territory analysed Describe the geographic area from an economic and demographic perspective; insert figure/maps, find data on national or regional website, …
The case 1 Who are the participants to the project (public or private?, why they are potentially important for a certain area?...) The rationale of the project (why the project is important?, what is the structure of this project) Stated objectives by the project
The case 2 (one or more slides) Implemented activities (which activities have been carried out? Which ones are still in progress? … Please provide also videos or picture that can better describe your work) Achievements / Goals (describe which are the main achievements obtained by the project; are they enduring? Are they of short or long period?
Lessons Learned / Discussion / Conclusion Which lessons you can learn from this project? What kind of suggestions you could give to the participants? Do you think that the funds obtained, have been well exploited? ….. Ideas for further development…
Thanks! Insert the address of the corrisponding author (ex.