Digital Portfolio Semester 1
Subjects List your subjects you are doing here (include VET)
Subject 1 List the activities / work you have done this semester
Subject 1 Put pictures of some of the work you have been doing in this subject.
Subject 1 Personal Reflection Here you need to reflect on: - The subject – how have you found it. What did you enjoy? What did you learn? -What are your goals for this subject next semester? -What improvements can you make for semester 2 in this subject?
Subject 2 List the activities / work you have done this semester
Subject 2 Put pictures of some of the work you have been doing in this subject.
Subject 2 Personal Reflection Here you need to reflect on: - The subject – how have you found it. What did you enjoy? What did you learn? -What are your goals for this subject next semester? -What improvements can you make for semester 2 in this subject?
Subject 3 List the activities / work you have done this semester
Subject 3 Put pictures of some of the work you have been doing in this subject.
Subject 3 Personal Reflection Here you need to reflect on: - The subject – how have you found it. What did you enjoy? What did you learn? -What are your goals for this subject next semester? -What improvements can you make for semester 2 in this subject?
Subject 4 List the activities / work you have done this semester
Subject 4 Put pictures of some of the work you have been doing in this subject.
Subject 4 Personal Reflection Here you need to reflect on: - The subject – how have you found it. What did you enjoy? What did you learn? -What are your goals for this subject next semester? -What improvements can you make for semester 2 in this subject?
PDS Here you will have a link to your PDS website. When you are displaying your website you will do all the reflective questions that you did for all other subjects.
Conclusion Here you need to outline your overall goals for semester 2 for your experience in VCAL.