Epic Hero Cycle Grade 6 Literature Circle Project
Requirements Write your own epic hero story in your groups Develop your story using your epic hero cycle chart Present your story in a powerpoint/mixed media presentation (apple programs may also be used)
Your story will show how well you have… Read and understood the novel Gilgamesh: The Hero Applied the elements of a hero cycle Extended your knowledge by thinking critically and creatively Cooperated with the other members of your group to produce a finished project Met all project requirements by the deadlines
Directions: Day One Finalise your group’s story outline Choose a character; name him/her Decide on the quest/mission he/she will face Complications Setting Climax and resolution Theme/lesson/moral the hero and readers learn by the end of the story Create a story map to write out the basic plot structure Support the main events with details
Organize, organize, organize! Your story must be 13 slides in length--no more, no less! Slide #1 is the title Slides 2-13 will represent the 12 tablets of your epic story (just like in Gilgamesh, your story will be 12 tablets total)
Drafting… Use clear, concise words Include both narrative and dialogue Provide thoughtful details so your audience isn’t left wondering Slides must be in bullet form; YOU will provide the details during your presentation
Directions: Day Two Type your story into your slideshow Add background design/template Add images Check conventions of each slide (spelling, grammar, punctuation) Submit by deadline
Conventions Requirements: Organize information for each slide according to directions Maintain consistent subject-verb agreement Use punctuation appropriately, especially COMMAS Articles (a, an, the) with subjects must agree Spelling, grammar, punctuation used appropriately
Format Requirements: Slide 1 must have complete heading with the due date used for the date Font size no bigger than 32 Font must be clearly legible No sound effects or animation
Images Use appropriate images to add, rather than distract, your audience Captions may be used to explain image content Images highly recommended for Slide 1 to engage your audience
Bibliography Use to createwww.bibme.org Copy and paste the URLs used into website field of bibme.org Add each source to your bibliography Copy this bibliography into your presentation Don’t forget to reference pictures!
Project Submission Submit your completed PowerPoint Presentation to Ms. Bilbrey’s Wiki Make sure it opens appropriately before submitting This PowerPoint presentation will be posted on the Wiki for you to access at any time during the week
Deadline--Turn it in on time! This PowerPoint Presentation is due no later than midnight on Sunday, Oct. 19 The project is worth a total of 50 points You will present your finished project in class during the week of Oct. 20