Blackboard Training
Aim To equip teachers with the skills to use Blackboard to enhance student learning
Objectives To help teachers: Use online materials posted on Blackboard to support teaching and learning Create handouts for students in word Use Blackboard to record marks Use Blackboard to create simple assessments Make Internet research a part of their students ’ activities
Challenge Hearts and minds Teachers having other priorities Limited IT skills Teachers spread across 6 centres Flexible delivery
Challenge Use meeting slots 2 hour sessions Availability of IT rooms
Background Inspection and lesson observation scheme revealed limited use of ILT Each teacher completed an online IT skills audit Hardcopy for non IT literate staff Each teacher offered 1:1 session with IT teacher or Learning Resources Staff member Appraisal : All teachers were set an ILT objective
Purpose To identify the current IT skills level of the teacher To ascertain the IT skills needed to do their job To identify how teachers will bridge the skills gap identified, if a gap exists
Outcome Confidential feedback Offered quick tips on the use of Microsoft office suite Drop in sessions at each centre Offered a formal IT training course if appropriate Take up varied Due to Inspection and teacher burn out
The Blackboard training programme 3 Phases Phase 1-Introduction to Blackboard Phase 2 – In curriculum teams or equivalent to assist teachers post course outlines with course materials on to blackboard Supported by the Learning Resource Manager
The Blackboard training programme Phase 3-Blended learning –Teaching in an E- learning Environment Focus on managing activities outside the classroom Understanding the effect this might have on planning activity in the classroom
The Blackboard training programme Tools and Technologies … Hot Potatoes & Course Genie Digital Images and Sound
Evaluation Course outline and materials on Blackboard Profile from the next round of lesson observations Feedback from students