Common Core Standards: WHST Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. SL Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest. 1. SAT Word: penultimate: next to last 2. EQ: The Anglo-Saxons passed along stories orally. Can you think of any stories we pass along orally today? If not, why not? 3. Present Things 4. Review History of English Language 5. Webquest: the Anglo-Saxons 6. Spiderman English IV Saunders, Owens, & Mere 2/9/11 Computers Folders Computers Folders
Early (Brief) History of the English Language Old English The Norman Conquest 1066 Middle English Latin & French Influence
Individual Research 1.Where were the Anglo-Saxons from? 2.When and where did they live? 3. What gods did they worship? 4. What was Anglo-Saxon life like? 5. What was their language like? 6.Were they involved in any wars or fighting? 7. Did they have any great kings or important people? 8. Find at least one picture. 9. If you have time, find other interesting facts about the Anglo-Saxons.
Rubric: Part 1 You spelled words correctly, capitalized the beginning of a sentence and proper nouns, and ended sentences with punctuation. You answered each of the questions and requirements listed above. If you used a picture of quoted a website, you copied the web address and put it underneath.
The English language has changed because back then they used to speak formally. Now in the future they use too much slang and they use shorter ways to write words. And the internet is to blame for all these words being used instead of using formal language. For example, swag, people back then would have no clue what that means or what's up or lol. The man did a great job on doing the paradigm blueprint to pave the road. 1 st Block
A lot of the words we use today are totally different than the words one would use back in the day. One word they would not understand is swag. Swag has replaced their knowledge of the word style. Many people in this time still don't know what swag is so how could people in the past know? Another word is "cray". A word many now use instead of the word crazy. Used paradigm in another sentence