LC Tracking Review at Amsterdam Overview of Asian Tracking R&D Vertex Detector Silicon µ-Strip Intermediate Tracker Central Tracker - Jet Chamber - Si µ-strip Central Tracker Hwanbae Park Kyungpook National Univ.
LC Tracking Review at Amsterdam ▣ JLC: Tracker
LC Tracking Review at Amsterdam ▣ Vertex Tracker Working Group CCD based Vertex Tracker Group Y. Sugimoto*, A. Miyamoto (KEK) N. Tamura, G. Iwai, K. Fujiwara, H. Takayama (Niigate U.) K. Abe, T. Nagamine (Tohoku U.) T. Aso (Toyama National College of Maritime Technology)
LC Tracking Review at Amsterdam S/N > Intrinsic Resolution Is better than 3 um. √ operation at near room temperature √ spatial resolution, S/N ratio √ partially thinned wafers √ radiation hardness √ fast readout ▣ R&D Activities: Vertex Tracker
LC Tracking Review at Amsterdam ▣ Intermediate Tracker Working Group Silicon Intermediate Tracker Group H. Park* (Kyungpook National U.) I.H. Park (Ewha Womans U.), B.G. Cheon (SKKU) H.J. Kim, J.H. Kang, Y.J. Kwon (Yonsei U.) J.S. Kang (Korea U.), S. Kim, J. Lee (SNU) 76.5cm 18.5cm
LC Tracking Review at Amsterdam √ linking and reconstruction efficiency (Fast Simulation) √ track momentum resolution (Full Simulation) √ Si PIN diode simulation/design/fabrication √ S/N ratio measurement and beam test ▣ R&D Activities: Intermediate Tracker SiSi Bare Si wafer Oxidatio n N+ (Diffusio n) UV Mas k 1 Photo Lithography Oxide Etching Photo-resist Strip P+ (Implantatio n) Ma sk2 UV Photo Lithography Photo-resist Strip Metal deposition Metal Etching
LC Tracking Review at Amsterdam ▣ Central Tracker Working Group Jet Chamber Si µ-strip M. Kobayashi*, K. Fujii (KEK) M. Iwasaki*, H. Aihara N. Khalatyan (U. of Tsukuba) (U. of Tokyo) A.M. Bacala (MSU), K. Hoshina (TUAT) T. Abe (Nagoya U.),K. Watanabe (Kogakuin U.)
LC Tracking Review at Amsterdam m Test Jet Chamber (6 axial and 10 stereo super layers) √ measurements of wire tensions and positions √ cosmic ray tests with a candidate gas mixtures √ space charge effect measurement √ basic chamber studies with “baby” chamber √ spatial and momentum resolution √ two track separation √ wire material studies √ full CDC detector simulator based on Geant4 ▣ R&D Activities: Jet Chamber
LC Tracking Review at Amsterdam (with NLC detector parameters) √ Full Simulation Study for detector parameter √ reconstruction efficiency √ momentum resolution √ photon background simulation ▣ R&D Activities: Si µ-strip central tracker #hit 1 in central & #VXD hit= #hit 2 in central & #VXD hit= #hit 3 in central #hit=5 in central |cos |<0.8
LC Tracking Review at Amsterdam ▣ Summary □ Vertex Detector - spatial resolution and distortion of thin wafers measured - innermost layer survive more than 3 years under option “A” - radiation damage effect studied □ Intermediate Tracker - fast and full simulation with 5 layers - Si µ-strip R&D proposal submitted (pending) □ Central Tracker - chamber parameters studied with “baby chamber” - track momentum and two track separation - Si µ-strip R&D started (detail simulation studies carried)