By Jill Saxton-Moody, MA, CDCII 10/16/2015
Hold juvenile offenders accountable for their behavior. Promote the safety and restoration of victims and communities. Assist offenders and their families in developing skills to prevent crime.
Bethel Youth Facility Fairbanks Youth Facility Johnson Youth Center Kenai Peninsula Youth Facility Ketchikan Regional Youth Facility Mat-Su Youth Facility McLaughlin Youth Center Nome Youth Facility
What do we do when we have an 8 year old apprehended for murder charges?
RegionOffice Younger than Total AROAnchorage , ,347 NROBarrow Bethel Fairbanks Kotzebue Nome NRO Total , ,714 SCRODillingham Homer Kenai Kodiak Mat-Su Valdez SCRO Total ,371 SEROJuneau Ketchikan Petersburg Prince of Wales Sitka SERO Total StateTotal ,612 3, ,235
Younger than Total Anchorage ,309 Barrow Bethel Fairbanks Kotzebue Nome NRO Total Dillingham Homer Kenai Kodiak Mat-Su Valdez SCRO Total Juneau Ketchikan POW Sitka SERO Total Statewide Total , ,309 % of each Age Group1%9%22%64%3%
“Definition : ‘Systemic or recurring maltreatment’ is identified when clear evidence has emerged from federal investigations, class-action lawsuits, or authoritative reports written by reputable media outlets or respected public or private agencies showing that – at least at one particular point in time – state-funded youth corrections facilities displayed a systemic or recurring failure to protect confined youths from serious physical or psychological harm in the forms of violence from staff or other youths, sexual assaults, and/or excessive use of isolation or restraints.” States with no systemic or recurring maltreatment in juvenile correctional facilities: Alaska Minnesota North Dakota States with no systemic or recurring maltreatment in juvenile correctional facilities: Alaska Minnesota North Dakota Vermont Wyoming (Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2015).
Location Delinquency Type Data type Alaska Other%25.7%27.2%26.7%28.5% Drug/Alcohol Laws %10.1%9.6%10.4%12.0% Crimes against Property %46.4%45.3%44.1%42.9% Crimes against Persons %17.9%NA18.7%16.7% Kids Count Data Center. (2015). Retrieved from
More youths with mental illness More youths with substance use disorders Continued high rates of FASDs Now have a more whole-person and trauma- informed care approach
Early onset of delinquency (prior to 13) increases 2-3 fold the likelihood of violent, chronic, and serious offending (Loeber & Farrington, 2000) Often DJJ involvement is the first involvement with any type of social services (Loeber & Farrington, 2000)
More referrals for outside services More effective screenings and assessments More services with mental health clinicians Use of evidenced based-practices in treatment and in care More collaboration with OCS
My Contact Info: Jill Saxton-Moody, Mental Health Clinician III Fairbanks Youth Facility 1502 Wilbur Ave. Fairbanks, AK (907)
Annie E. Casey Foundation. (2015). State by state summary: Systemic or recurring maltreatment in juvenile correction facilities. Retrieved from statebystatemaltreatmentsummary-2015.pdfhttp:// statebystatemaltreatmentsummary-2015.pdf Kids Count Data Center. (2015). Alaska juvenile delinquency referrals by type of crime. Retrieved from Loeber, R. & Farrington, D. P. (2000). Young children who commit crime: Epidemiology, developmental origins, risk factors, early interventions, and policy implications. Development and Psychopathology,, pp * Unless otherwise noted, all data and statistics obtained from the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Department of Juvenile Justice State of Alaska Dept of Health & Social Services Division of Juvenile Justice 240 Main Street, Suite 701 P.O. Box Juneau, AK Tel: (907) Fax: (907)