TRAFOON project is funded by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 613912 Mrs. PATRICIA MORA GESTIONA.


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Presentation transcript:

TRAFOON project is funded by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/ ) under grant agreement no Mrs. PATRICIA MORA GESTIONA GLOBAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT

FIRST YEAR: Activities evaluated IMPACT ASSESSMENT 2 The activities of Impact Assessment were centred on the “suitable knowledge transfer activities”, these are the “Multi-Stakeholders Workshops (MSWs)”, given that these events involved the application and dissemination of outcomes and deliverables from preceding activities, A survey was implemented in parallel to the technical actions in MSWs. Every participant in these sessions representing stakeholders of traditional food companies – especially SMEs, research and technology donors and innovation transfer agents & innovation consultants - were requested to submit “Evaluation Forms” that were subsequently analysed.

FIRST YEAR: participation data 3 Around 5,800 European Traditional Food Companies Stakeholders represented by Food Associations + direct participation of numerous traditional food SMEs. According to survey data, at least, 43 organizations classified as reference Research and Technology Donors were involved to tackle main innovation constraints and solutions in the EU Traditional Food sector. At least, 12 organizations classified as Innovation Transfer Agents & Innovation Consultants under this category took part in these events to support concerning entrepreneurial and business issues, IPR matters, labelling

FIRST YEAR: participation data 4

FIRST YEAR: quality evaluation 5 General evaluation of the MSWs was good  most of participants (over 80% of responses), pointed out a good development and quality of the sessions regarding – appropriateness of structure and implementation, – And clearness of presentations and the content Nevertheless, between 17% to 31% noticed non fully conformity, disagreement or did not provide responses on the – aptness of the concerns addressed by the Inventory of Needs, – whether the workshop was interesting and focused on the main topics – and the improvement for the transfer of innovation in the sector of traditional food.

FIRST YEAR: quality evaluation 6 General evaluation of the MSWs was good according to participants’ judgment, who pointed out a good development and quality of the sessions regarding appropriateness of structure and implementation, clearness of presentations and the content (over 80% of responses) Nevertheless, a significant number of responses (between 17% to 31%) noticed non fully conformity, disagreement or did not provide responses on the aptness of the concerns addressed by the Inventory of Needs, whether the workshop kept interesting and focused on the main topics and the improvement for the transfer of innovation in the sector of traditional food.

FIRST YEAR: knowledge transfer impact evaluation 7

8 Major concerns in knowledge transfer and entrepreneurial advising identified in the Traditional Food Sector were undertaken during the MSWs. An important proportion of the participants reported to have proposed/ discussed and/or identified concrete innovations and solutions in Labelling (49%), Raw material in processes (49%), Efficiency optimization in processes (45%), Water and energy savings (40%), Environmental eco-innovations (38%), Certification (32%) Packaging (32%)

FIRST YEAR: knowledge transfer impact evaluation 9

10 Most expected benefits to be reached were linked to the following topics: – Increment of sales (49%), – Enhancement of business marketing (45%), – Improvement of labelling (40%), – Progresses for sales in new market (36%) – Reduction of costs (33%) – Decrease of water and energy expenses (32%) – Diminution/ elimination/ valorisation of wastes (30%) Both solution, concerns and benefits were mostly coherent with Initial State Assessment.

FIRST YEAR: knowledge transfer impact evaluation 11

SECOND YEAR: Activities evaluated IMPACT ASSESSMENT 12 The activities of Impact Assessment were centred on the “suitable knowledge transfer activities”, these are the “Training Workshops (TWs)”, implemented in Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Spain and Switzerland. A survey was implemented in parallel to the technical actions in TWs. Every participant in these sessions representing traditional food companies – especially SMEs - were requested to submit “Evaluation Forms” that were subsequently analysed. Last surveys were received in the end of October.

SECOND YEAR: participation data 13 According to survey data, at least, 123 Traditional Food SMEs, 69 Traditional Food Large Companies and 14 Traditional Food Associations were involved in training sessions representing over 5,800 European Traditional Food Companies Stakeholders.

SECOND YEAR: participation data 14 Poland, Czech Republic and Serbia activities provided the highest number of responses.

SECOND YEAR: participation data 15 Concerning responses by Traditional Food SMEs, Czech Republic, Poland, France and Serbia were the countries with highest rates. On the other hand, the best % on SMEs engagement were recorded in France, Spain, Netherlands, Portugal and Czech Republic (between 69% and 93%)

SECOND YEAR: quality evaluation 16 General evaluation of the MSWs was good according to participants’ judgment (over 80% of responses), who pointed out a good development and quality of the sessions regarding Nevertheless, between 15% to 19% of respondents noticed non fully conformity or disagreement on the – Impact to improve performance and innovation profile of organizations – whether the workshop kept interesting and focused on the main topics – and the enhancement of the collaboration between Research and Technology Sector and companies

SECOND YEAR: quality evaluation 17

SECOND YEAR: quality evaluation 18

SECOND YEAR: knowledge transfer impact evaluation 19 Analysing SMEs responses, most expected benefits to be reached were linked to the following topics: – Reduction of costs (35%) – Increase of margin per product (33%) – Increment of sales (27%), – Enhancement of business marketing (26%), – Progresses for sales in new market (24%) – Decrease of water and energy expenses (24%)

SECOND YEAR: knowledge transfer impact evaluation EXPECTED BENEFITS 20

SECOND YEAR: general impact analysis IMPACT ON EMPLOYMENT 21 Over 80% of respondents believed that TWs may have a positive impact on the employment of traditional food sector.

RECOMMENDATIONS First year: Especial efforts should be done in order to: – enhance the motivation and interest of attendees and participants, – to stay focused in main topics and concerns (IoNs) during the whole sessions, – and to disseminate and make clear the positive impact of the actions of the project during this kind of events. Second year: Especial efforts should be done for adaptating workshops to needs of companies and for engaging more companies, especially SMEs in project’s events. 22

Thank you very much for your attention Patricia Mora Francisco Cerrato 23