STORY TIME IS THE BEST TIME Grab a book Read through the savings and investments reading. QUIETLY! Highlight and underline as necessary. Answer the questions on the back. Return the textbook Come show me when you are done. Then create a card for Papa David Roll Call Question: Would you rather be a unicorn or a wizard?
Take 5 minutes to make Papa David a card. He was diagnosed with cancer a month ago and he will have surgery on Monday. Give him words of encouragement during this scary time.
ACTIVITY TIME Finish STONER AND BITER posters You will need to work together to accomplish this assignment Everyone will be working at all times If I see that you aren’t working, I will take 10 points off your score for this assignment for EACH infraction Everyone has a sheet that needs to be filled out and everyone must work on the poster at some point Roll for it
BUSINESSES ARE UP AND RUNNING! 1 Pizzeria - Aayush 2 Bakery – Daniel 3 Coffee Shop – Jillian 4 Clothing Store – Brooke 5 Jewelry Store – Michael 6 Grocery Store –Brian 7 Barber Shop/Beauty Parlor – Maddie 8 Apple Orchard – Sam 9 Deli – Carla 10 Frozen Yogurt Shop - 11 Movie Theater - Grace, 12 Florist – Rebecca 13 Butcher – Kyle 14 Candy Shop – 15 Music Store –
BUSINESSES ARE UP AND RUNNING! 1 Pizzeria - Josh 2 Bakery –Brooke 3 Coffee Shop –Joe 4 Clothing Store –Justin 5 Jewelry Store –CJ 6 Grocery Store –Viet 7 Barber Shop/Beauty Parlor –Gabe 8 Apple Orchard –Kyle P. 9 Deli –Damaris, 10 Frozen Yogurt Shop - Grace 11 Movie Theater - Kate 12 Florist –Khalil 13 Butcher –Arjun 14 Candy Shop – Chase 15 Music Store –
BUSINESSES ARE UP AND RUNNING! 1 Pizzeria - 2 Bakery – Mekaia 3 Coffee Shop – Cassie 4 Clothing Store – Robby 5 Jewelry Store – Alex H. 6 Grocery Store – 7 Barber Shop/Beauty Parlor – Liz 8 Apple Orchard – Omid 9 Deli – Luke M. 10 Frozen Yogurt Shop - Issac 11 Movie Theater - Noah 12 Florist – 13 Butcher – Nick 14 Candy Shop – Karolan 15 Music Streaming Company - DMya
FIRST YOU ARE PRODUCERS Your group has now selected a business. Give it a name! Now describe the factors of production you will need to create the goods/services (Land, Labor & Capital) You will then explain how your supply could increase OR decrease using the STONER acronym
NOW YOU ARE CONSUMERS Now you will be the consumer of another groups business Business will shift Clockwise You will use the BITER acronym to explain how your demand could increase OR decrease If you want responses in a certain color, please provide the marker at the time of the exchange.
GRAPH IT! Look at the back of your sheet Graph the shifts in supply you came up with Graph the shifts in demand your consumers came up with
6.4 INVESTMENTS Compare risk and return between the various types of investments
WHY SHOULD WE INVEST??? 1. We can reach our financial goals 2. Cover Emergencies 3. Make Major Purchases 4. Provide for Retirement Tid-Bit: 87% of retirees are retiring with income of $10,000 or less
KEEP THIS IN MIND! The lower the risk, the lower the return The higher the risk, the higher the return
BONDS Definition : loan to a business or company for a certain amount of time. You earn interest during that time Risk : Essentially risk-free, but keep in mind the reliability of the company or government you are loaning to. Return : Because the risk is lower, the return is also not as high as other forms of investment
STOCKS Definition : owning a part of a company where you receive part of the profits the company makes Risk : very volatile – they fluctuate in value on a daily basis and there is no guarantee that you will make money Return : relatively high returns compared to bonds
MUTUAL FUNDS Def: A collection of stocks and bonds. You pool your money with other investors and have your Broker buy many different stocks and bonds then split the profits between all investors Risk: Because you are not putting all your money in one stock or bond, there is less risk. Return: Having a broker guide your investments helps you achieve higher returns, because of their knowledge of the market
SAVINGS Definition : a bank account where you deposit money that you do not use on a daily basis. You can also earn interest! Risk : very low-risk, as you can access your money at anytime and the bank keeps it safe Return : lower return (due to low interest rates) than other investments, but also more stable
CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (CD) Definition: an account where you deposit money and earn interest, but cannot readily access it for a certain amount of time Risk: low risk as they are insured by the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.) Return: Much higher return than a savings account because interest rates are much higher.
INVESTING stocks & bonds qCs mutual funds o cds qCshttps:// ohttps://