Anmar Nassir, Assistant Prof, Um Al-Qura Univ Hasan Farsi, Prof, KAUH Ammar Dehlawi, Teach assist Um Al-Qura Univ
Little is known about prostate cancer in Saudi Arabia. National Cancer Registry data GU Ca: 9.2% in KSA, vs 24.1% USA Prostatic CA is X 50 lower than in USA The most common GU CA in KSA is bladder, followed by the prostate, kidney, and testicular cancer.
Our aim is : to identify the pattern of PSA values in our population. to identify the high risk patients: candidate for TRUS biopsy
Between October 2002 and November 2007, all PSA values ordered at KFSH& RC in Jeddah were studied. Data collected: patient's age, total PSA, free to total ratio, PSA velocity
The overall average age 63.8 (+/ SD). A total of 4210 specimen of PSA were analyzed for 2181 patients.
PSA ng/ml < 2.5 < >10 % of pt
Free to total PSA ratio for PSA of 4-10
< 11< 18< 22< 25 no. % For pts between 4-10 % according to cut points
PSA velocity was studied in 2803 PSA samples for 801 patients, with an average of 3.5 samples for each patient. PatientsPSAprogression
In the Eastern region of SA: PSA screening of 1192 6.9 % indicated for TRUS Bx Only 75 % agreed for Bx CA in 14 only = 1.17%
In the western region: Out of 45 patients underwent TRUS guided biopsy; cancer of the prostate was detected in 13 (28.8%).
7.6% in patients presented with abnormal DRE alone 15.3% in the group with elevated PSA but normal DRE (stage T1c).
21.4% PSA was elevated to 4-10 ng/ml 40% PSA to10-20 ng/ml 100% PSA > 20 ng/ml
21.4% PSA was elevated to 4-10 ng/ml 40% PSA to10-20 ng/ml 100% PSA > 20 ng/ml % of CA % 2.44 % PSA ng/ml < 2.5 < >10 % of pt
All patientsPatients to FM PSAno. % % < % to < %126.5 > or = % %
Sensitivity of CA detection: PSA between 4-10 vs <4 ng/mL: 79% for levels between 4 and 10 ng/mL. 11% at levels below 4 ng/mL
In a large prospective screening study 47% among men with a PSA velocity > 0.75 ng/mL per year 11% among men with a PSA velocity < 0.75 ng/mL per year
At KFSH & RC Jd 88 patients came back +ve for Prostate cancer. 84/2181 = 4%
عن معاذ بن جبل ، أنهم خرجوا مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم عام تبوك... قال : " إنكم ستأتون غدا ، إن شاء الله عين تبوك ، وإنكم لن تأتوها حتى يضحى النهار ، فمن جاءها فلا يمس من مائها شيئا حتى آتي “ فجئناها ، وقد سبقنا إليها رجلان ، والعين تبض بشيء من ماء، فسألهما رسول الله :" هل مسستما من مائها شيئا؟ " فقالا : نعم.... قال لهما ما شاء الله أن يقول. ثم غرفوا بأيديهم من العين ، قليلا قليلا. حتى اجتمع في شيء ، ثم غسل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، فيه وجهه ويديه. ثم أعاده فيها ، فجرت العين بماء كثير. فاستقى الناس. ثم قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : " يوشك يا معاذ إن طالت بك حياة، أن ترى ما هاهنا قد ملئ جنانا ” مالك في الموطأ 331 والإمام مسلم في صحيحه 4327
By non By urologist age SD
No.% < > 10 > 20
PSABy non Urologists by Urologists #%#% < > 10 > 20
All patientsPatients to FMFrom out side PSAno. % %No.% < 4 4 to < 10 > or = 10 > or = 20