Anmar Nassir, Assistant Prof, Um Al-Qura Univ Hasan Farsi, Prof, KAUH Ammar Dehlawi, Teach assist Um Al-Qura Univ.


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Presentation transcript:

Anmar Nassir, Assistant Prof, Um Al-Qura Univ Hasan Farsi, Prof, KAUH Ammar Dehlawi, Teach assist Um Al-Qura Univ

 Little is known about prostate cancer in Saudi Arabia.  National Cancer Registry data  GU Ca: 9.2% in KSA, vs 24.1% USA  Prostatic CA is X 50 lower than in USA  The most common GU CA in KSA is bladder, followed by the prostate, kidney, and testicular cancer.

 Our aim is :  to identify the pattern of PSA values in our population.  to identify the high risk patients: candidate for TRUS biopsy

 Between October 2002 and November 2007, all PSA values ordered at KFSH& RC in Jeddah were studied.  Data collected:  patient's age,  total PSA,  free to total ratio,  PSA velocity

 The overall average age  63.8 (+/ SD).  A total of 4210 specimen of PSA were analyzed for 2181 patients.

PSA ng/ml < 2.5 < >10 % of pt

 Free to total PSA ratio for PSA of 4-10

< 11< 18< 22< 25 no. %  For pts between 4-10  % according to cut points

 PSA velocity was studied in 2803 PSA samples for 801 patients,  with an average of 3.5 samples for each patient. PatientsPSAprogression

 In the Eastern region of SA:  PSA screening of 1192  6.9 % indicated for TRUS Bx  Only 75 % agreed for Bx  CA in 14 only = 1.17%

 In the western region:  Out of 45 patients underwent TRUS guided biopsy; cancer of the prostate was detected in 13 (28.8%).

 7.6%  in patients presented with abnormal DRE alone  15.3%  in the group with elevated PSA but normal DRE (stage T1c).

 21.4%  PSA was elevated to 4-10 ng/ml  40%  PSA to10-20 ng/ml  100%  PSA > 20 ng/ml

 21.4%  PSA was elevated to 4-10 ng/ml  40%  PSA to10-20 ng/ml  100%  PSA > 20 ng/ml % of CA % 2.44 % PSA ng/ml < 2.5 < >10 % of pt

All patientsPatients to FM PSAno. % % < % to < %126.5 > or = % %

 Sensitivity of CA detection:  PSA between 4-10 vs <4 ng/mL:  79% for levels between 4 and 10 ng/mL.  11% at levels below 4 ng/mL

 In a large prospective screening study  47% among men with a PSA velocity > 0.75 ng/mL per year  11% among men with a PSA velocity < 0.75 ng/mL per year

 At KFSH & RC Jd  88 patients came back +ve for Prostate cancer.  84/2181 = 4%

عن معاذ بن جبل ، أنهم خرجوا مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم عام تبوك... قال : " إنكم ستأتون غدا ، إن شاء الله عين تبوك ، وإنكم لن تأتوها حتى يضحى النهار ، فمن جاءها فلا يمس من مائها شيئا حتى آتي “ فجئناها ، وقد سبقنا إليها رجلان ، والعين تبض بشيء من ماء، فسألهما رسول الله :" هل مسستما من مائها شيئا؟ " فقالا : نعم.... قال لهما ما شاء الله أن يقول. ثم غرفوا بأيديهم من العين ، قليلا قليلا. حتى اجتمع في شيء ، ثم غسل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، فيه وجهه ويديه. ثم أعاده فيها ، فجرت العين بماء كثير. فاستقى الناس. ثم قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : " يوشك يا معاذ إن طالت بك حياة، أن ترى ما هاهنا قد ملئ جنانا ” مالك في الموطأ 331 والإمام مسلم في صحيحه 4327

By non By urologist age SD

No.% < > 10 > 20

PSABy non Urologists by Urologists #%#% < > 10 > 20

All patientsPatients to FMFrom out side PSAno. % %No.% < 4 4 to < 10 > or = 10 > or = 20