Abstract The Infrarat is an autonomous toy car that will use proximity sensors and a pivoting array of Infrared sensors for tracking a body and to avoid running into objects. It will also wirelessly interface with an Android device to receive commands and send the temperature gradient encoding from the IR array sensors to be displayed on the device. It will be used in three modes which are follow, run away, and manual control.
Packaging Constraints 1.Size => 6.9 x 5.9 x 5.6 (in) 2.Portability => Battery Powered 3.Weight 1.DC Motors = 24.9g X 2 2.Lithium Batteries = 27g X 2 3.Ultrasonic Sensors = 15g X 4 4.Wheels = ??? 5.Servo Motor = 16.6g 6.Infrared Sensors = ??? 7.Chassis + Structural columns = ??? 8.PCB + ICs = ??? Total weight = 180.4g ~= 0.4 lbs
Similarly Packaged Product Wizard 1.RoboProp DC Motor edition 2.blue Magician chassis 3.two gear motors 4.two yellow wheels with black tires 5.ultrasonic scanning sensor head with servo 6.infrared scanning sensor head with servo
Measured Drawings