Team Magnaritaville Conceptual Design Review Zachary Cuseo, Andrew Fruge, Shweta Maurya, Sydni Smith, Christopher Nie, Tyler Knappe 9/22/09 Fall 2009 Rev A
BalloonSat C.A.T.E.O.S Magnetic Field Testing – Measure the earth’s magnetic field during flight – Prove that magnetic field strength varies with altitude – Determine the orientation of the camera throughout flight – Attitude Determination in Satellites
Design Science Components – Magnetic field sensor – Faraday Cage Satellite Components – AVR Microcontroller – Heater – Camera
Functional Block Diagram
Accomplishing the Mission Take data during flight Recover data from magnetic field sensor and camera Interpolate data to determine magnetic field strength and camera orientation Give Chris a cookie
Organizational Chart PersonJobSpecific Tasks Zachary CuseoSystems Engineer This job involves making sure all the different systems work together in order to assure that the mission is successful and the desired data is obtained. Tyler KnappeCode Monkey This job involves programming the AVR to work with the rest of the box, specifically to gather data, take pictures, and control the inner temperature of the satellite. Shweta Maurya Chief Financial Officer and Data Analyst This job involves creating and editing diagrams and schematics, tempering and overseeing the budget, and translating the data into coherent analysis in LoggerPro software. Andrew Fruge’ Structures and Asst. Systems Engineer This job involves creating, testing, and improving the outer foam core structure, as well as the Faraday Cage. Andrew will also assist Zach with part of the Systems Engineering. Sydni SmithInternal Structures Engineer This job involves arranging the inner components and building whatever stands or holders or shelves may be necessary to keep the inside of the satellite organized and in working condition. Christopher NieElectrical Engineer This job involves being responsible for the power system, including the batteries, electrical connections between components, and the specific power requirements between components.
Schedule 9/22 - Conceptual Design Review (CoDR) 9/25 - Design Complete 9/27 - Program AVR (Microcontroller, Camera, and Heater) 9/29 - Hardware Ordering and Authority to proceed (ATP) 10/6 - Design Document revision A/B 10/8 - Critical Design Review (CDR) 10/9 - Acquire hardware 10/9 - External structure complete 10/12 - Magnetometer testing (Faraday cage determination) 10/16 - External testing complete (whip test, drop test, and stair test) 10/16 - Internal component assembly complete 10/25 - Internal testing complete (cold test, functional test, and data test) 10/26 - Final assembly complete 10/27 - Pre-launch inspection 10/29 - Mission simulation 11/3 - Launch readiness review and design document revision C 11/6 - Final weigh-in and turn in 11/7 - Launch 6:50 am. ("Bad" weather launch days: 11/8 or 11/14) 12/1 - Design document revision D and final presentation *Team meeting will be every Sunday and during the week as needed.
Budget ComponentPricePurchase Location Total Cost Magnetic Sensor$58 Vernier Software and Technology N/A Analog Proto Board Connector $10 Vernier Software and Technology N/A Shipping$12 (Maximum Cost) Vernier Software and Technology N/A Batteries, Structures, Aluminum ~ $20Locally $100
Weight ComponentWeight Magnetic Field Sensor and Connector70 grams Structure280 grams Satellite Components500 grams Total850 grams
Concerns Correlating magnetic field sensor data with camera data Properly isolating electromagnetic interference with Faraday Cage