Booster and Collider SC magnets. Design & prototyping of UHV and cryostat systems for Booster and Collider A.Smirnov JINR, Dubna, Russia NICA Machine Advisory Committee JINR, Dubna, October 19-20, 2015
Booster optics elements Injection Ejection RF station ECOOL 4 straight sections: 1 cold & 3 warm 40 dipoles quadrupoles 8+24 correction magnets20+24 pick-up stations 16 scrappers 2 injection kickers
Production of superconducting magnets for Booster Magnet yokes serial production of magnet yokes was started in the end of 2014 average production rate is 3 dipoles and 4 quadrupoles per month magnet yokes will be ready in the middle of 2016 Magnet winding serial production of magnet windings was started this month after receiving of the 95 km superconducting cable average production rate is 5 windings per month magnet winding will be ready on March 2017 SC magnets all magnets will be tested under real conditions average testing rate is 6 magnets per month cryogenic test of all magnets will be finished on June 2017.
Superconducting magnets factory at JINR
Production of superconducting cable
Production of dipole magnet winding
Measurement of magnetic field quality
Assembling of superconducting magnets
Cryogenic test of SC magnets
10 Booster vacuum systems Ecool InjectionEjection RF 40 dipole chambers 24 double quadrupoles Chambers between magnets 1 cold straight section 3 warm straight sections Cryostat volumes Pumping of beam pipe Pumping of cryostats DipolesQudrupoles
RF stations (under testing at JINR)
Electron cooling system (under testing at Novosibirsk) 1. Gun, 2. Collector, 3. Sublimation pump TSP-IKG «VACOM», 4. Bended chamber, 5. Toroid section, 6. Pick-up station, 7. Cooling section, 8. Dipole section, 9. Bellows, 10. NEG position, 11. Vacuum valve, 12. Bellows, 13. Ion pump, 14. Connector.
Injection section with septum (under design) Injection septum
Double quadrupole with pick-up station (under design) Pick-up station (under testing at JINR)
Dipole vacuum chamber (under production at Italy)
Injection electrostatic kicker (under design)
Cryostat volumes (under testing at JINR)
Cryostat pumping system (under testing at JINR)
UHV pumping station of beam pipe (under testing at JINR) Ion Pump + NEG NEXTorr® (SAES Group)
Backing of test bench at JINR (2014) 20 After baking during 30 hours with 280 o C vacuum was reached value about Torr ! 1-4. Vacuum chamber, 5. Flanges, 6-7. Metal valve, 8. Turbo pump, 9. Forvacuum pump with valve, 10. Ion pump, 11. Sublimation pump, 12. Nitrogen trap, Ionization gauge, 16. Forvacuum gauge, 17. Leak valve, 18. Flexibly hose, 19. Reducing T-piece
Vacuum cryogenic test bench (under assembling at JINR) 1. The turbo molecular pump; 2. Diffusion pump; 3. Ion pump; 4. Gates; 5. insulation volume; 6. Pumping volume; 7. Twisted helium tube; 8. Helium collector; 9. Nitrogen collector