Office of School Improvement June (g) Funding: What’s Required and Why Dr. Kathleen M. Smith Director, Office of School Improvement Veronica Tate Title I Specialist, Office of Program Administration and Accountability Virginia Department of Education
Office of School Improvement June Why? used effectively This program has been used effectively with 30 schools and 19 divisions. As a result, only 10 schools remained in restructuring requirements under the SOA or School Improvement.
Office of School Improvement June The Virginia Model: Mentor Coaching for School Improvement
Office of School Improvement June Making All the Pieces Fit: Support for School Improvement Support for School Improvement (SSI) Teacher Leader Training Web conferences for School and District Teams Rapid Improvement Indicators Six (6) Step School Improvement Plan On-site Mentor Coaching
Office of School Improvement June Division Requirements Division representative will develop a division support team division support team to include division staff members from: Title I Instruction Special Education ESL and/or other relevant instructional area (if needed)
Office of School Improvement June Division Requirements Division Requirements (continued) Division support team will: web conferences Attend 7 division-level web conferences during the year division plan Develop and implement a division plan to support schools in improvement using the CII tool
Office of School Improvement June Division Requirements Division Requirements (continued) Division team member attending the summer Mentor Coaches Institute will: Meet with the schools in improvement planning team at least monthly Serve as the liaison between the central office and the schools in improvement Note: A ratio of one division liaison per three schools is required.
Office of School Improvement June School Requirements Principal and mentor coach will develop a school support team school support team to include assigned division team member and school staff members from: Title I Instruction Special Education ESL and/or other relevant instructional area (if needed)
Office of School Improvement June School Requirements (continued) School support team will: school plan Develop and implement a school plan to support schools in improvement using the CII tool Meet maintain minutes of the meetings Meet at least monthly with the division representative and will maintain minutes of the meetings using the CII tool quarterly reports Submit Data Analysis quarterly reports to the Virginia Department of Education
Office of School Improvement June School Requirements (continued) Principal will: web conferences Attend 7 division-level web conferences during the year _________________________________ Mentor Coach and other team members should attend if possible. Breaking Ranks in the Middle Attend Breaking Ranks in the Middle training offered by VASSP _________________________________ Grant funds can be used to pay for this training. Training will be offered regionally.
Office of School Improvement June School and Division Teacher Training Mentor Coach and division contact will: Attend three additional meetings to be trained by VFEL as teacher training leaders Be grouped by VDOE (according to proximity and likeness) to provide teacher trainings to principals and at least two teachers from each school in the group four times during the year Note: Teachers selected for training sessions must be good at what they do and capable of serving in a leadership capacity at the school.
Office of School Improvement June Mentor Coach and Division Contact Attend Four Teacher Leader Trainings: One at the Mentor Coaches Institute and three others held in November, January, and March Mentor Coach and Division Contact join division groups pre-determined by VDOE Teacher Training 1Teacher Training 2Teacher Training 3Teacher Training 4 VDOE Staff deployed to assist training