1.Quietly pick up your passport from the back of the room. 2.There should be a green sticky note inside with a grade on it. 3.Have Sun and Earth’s Energy Worksheet on desk. Obj : review Chapter 1 Test Agenda : review Chapter 1 test/Grade Test
Make sure checks have YOUR NAME and MY NAME on the Memo Line.
Chapter 2 Passport Pages: Pg. 13 should be “Map Notes” Pg. 14 Blank for Now Pg. 15 Chapter 2 Title Page Pg Chapter 2 Bell work Pg. 18 Comic Pg. 19 The Earth and Sun’s Energy Please have your Passport Out and Label the following pages.
From this point on, Bell work will be done in your Passport. You will write the questions during the first 3 minutes of class. You will have time at the end of class to answer the questions. If you do not finish, it will be homework. If you are absent, check my website or a friend’s Passport (This week’s bell work) (Next week’s bell work)
New Bell work Procedure: Please open your Passport and wait for instructions. 1.What is solar energy? 2.How does the Sun affect life on Earth? 3.What four things affect the amount of sunlight we receive? Obj : Explain the importance of the relationship between the Earth and the Sun
Cut out your notes and paste them onto page 19 of your Passport. This will be on the RIGHT SIDE of your notebook.
1.Why does Earth have seasons? 2.Name all seasons and describe them Write the following notes in your bellwork. This will be on a test: Tropics : seasons are marked by rainfall rather than temperature. Monsoons, winds bring either dry or moist air to the tropics, creating wet and dry seasons. Obj : Explain the importance of the relationship between the Earth and the Sun
TitleSolar EnergyRotation RevolutionDay/NightSeasons Hi! I’m the sun and I give off solar energy which… Each box must have: 1.A description of the relationship between Earth and Sun. 2.An illustration of the relationship between Earth and Sun. 3.Be Completely colored. Five colors must be used in the comic. 4.You must show how sun’s energy affects Earth
8.Why is only a small percentage of fresh water available to us? 9.Why do you think people settle near water? 10.Why can we not use most water on Earth? 11.What are some critical problems concerning water? Compare discuss Obj : Compare salt water and fresh water and discuss water and its importance MAP DUE MONDAY MAP QUIZ MONDAY
Please work and answer the questions to complete your Water on Earth Notes. USE PAGE in your textbook!! Fold the Notes in half so that it makes a book. Illustrate the front cover after all questions are answered. Glue onto page 21 in Passport. MAP DUE MONDAY MAP QUIZ MONDAY