Mrs. McCurdy’s First Grade Class
I graduated from the University of Montevallo with a Masters in Education in December This is my second year to teach first grade at CES. I have a wonderful husband and twin boys in the 7 th grade.
My goal is to create a positive and safe learning environment for all of my students. I want students to communicate what they think, how they feel, and solve problems. They will learn to work with others and develop a great sense of community. As parents, I hope you see your child growing both academically and socially.
My is My webpage is Remind 101 (please leave name and cell phone number for sign up) CES Office is
Students will have a Happy, Organized, Ready Students Everyday (HORSE) folder. This folder will contain the nightly homework and any notes or notices from me or the school. Please make sure to sign the homework sheet daily. Money may also be placed in this folder. Students will also have a planner where I will update conduct for the day.
Classroom Work and Homework Students will receive Buckaroo Bucks each time a class assignment is completed correctly. They will also receive a buck for having all of their homework completed at the end of the week. Classroom Behavior Card System and Class Dojo If students are moved to red anytime during the week they will not get a special snack on Friday. The girl and boy with the highest dojo points at the end of the day will get a piece of candy.
At the end of each week students will be tested on the following: Spelling Reading Comprehension English or Conventions Word Read These test are graded on the following scale: A B C D F- 59 and below
Reading Reading homework will be given daily in the HORSE folder Study spelling words and word read daily Math Math homework is given on Tuesday and Thursday Work with students on math facts
Reading Street This curriculum introduces two or more sounds each week to students. The spelling words and the words they practice reading follow the rule for the week to help them master the sound. The students will participate in small group reading, reading centers, and completing workbook pages. English/Language Arts are also included in this curriculum. Students will identify nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. They will also learn about sentence structure and punctuation.
AMSTI Math This curriculum follows the Common Core Standards. Here is a list of what students are expected to learn: Count and write numbers Fluent in math facts to 10. Identify shapes and properties. Solve Story Problems using pictures, words and numbers. Adding and subtracting problems within 20. Tools Students Use During Math: Math Journal Manipulatives Games Workbooks
AMSTI Science We cover four units: Balance and Motion Air and Weather New Plants Animals 2x2 Science lessons are full of experiments and hands on learning. We record what we learn in Science Journals and use tools that are sent to us in our science kits. Social Studies We use a program called Social Studies Weekly. This magazine has kid friendly articles about things that are going on around the world. These are often used to lead our discussions or research during this time.
Tests are given in math after each session and a comprehensive test is given at the end of each unit. No grades will be given for science or social studies. First grade participates in DIEBELS testing for achievement in reading.
School begins at 7:45 A tardy is given if checked out before 2:45 Please see page 5 of the student handbook Students are allowed 6 total parent excuses for tardies and absences. A doctors excuse must be turned in within 2 days
A list of students for Fun Friday Snacks will be provided and posted on the website. Please make sure that all snacks are placed in a paper or ziploc bag with their name on it. All money should be in an envelope with the students name, amount, and purpose on it. We will be going on a field trip to the Birmingham Zoo on August 28, 2014.
I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities!
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