RSA Update for
What is RSA The Reading Sufficiency Act (RSA) was enacted in 1997 as a state initiative to ensure that all students are reading on grade level by 3 rd grade. The RSA mandates that we Screen, Intervene and Progress Monitor every student in grades K-3, with the exception of those on track for OAAP testing.
RSA Requirements RSA = RTI Screen, Intervene, Progress Monitor Screen All students will be screened for reading difficulty with the DIBELS Assessment. All students who do not meet grade level benchmarks will receive intervention and be placed on an RSA Academic Performance Plan (APP).
RSA Requirements (Cont’d) Intervention Happens at least 4 days per week Is targeted and intensive Focus on one skill until that skill is mastered Change your activity, not your skill Document your Intervention Ask for help!
RSA Requirements (Cont’d) Progress Monitor After 4 interventions assess the progress Use DIBELS, STAR or a teacher made progress monitoring tool. The progress monitoring must match the intervention. Ask for help if you need it!
RSA Requirements (Cont’d) Reading Block 90 minutes required plus 30 minutes if you have any students on an RSA APP. This time is everything reading/LA/writing/phonics/small group literacy centers etc…
Legislative Updates Two OCCT Reading Scores: Composite Comp/Vocab Only (Reading Score) The Comp/vocab score will be used to determine promotion. (72% of OCCT) Unsatisfactory reading scores determines retention/promotion Good Cause Exemptions are still in use. Students are only exempt if they meet End-of-Year composite score on DIBELS (330) Option of Probationary Promotion is still allowable. Add Lexile Score to the RSA APP Two OCCT Reading Scores: Composite (Vocab, Comp, Comp/Vocab The Comp/vocab score will be used to determine promotion. Unsatisfactory and Limited Knowledge reading scores determines retention/promotion Good Cause Exemptions are still in use. Students are only exempt if they meet End-of-Year composite score on DIBELS (330) Option of Probationary Promotion is still allowable through
How can you help? Inform your parents. Exemptions don’t catch that many students, but you still need to be familiar with them. Work with your Special Ed teacher to make sure that no one is left out.
How are we doing? In the school year we had 171, or about 10%, of 3 rd grade students score unsatisfactory on the Reading OCCT. In the school year we decreased to 128, or 7%, of 3 rd grade students scoring unsatisfactory on the Reading OCCT. For the school year are retaining 32 of the 128 students who scored Unsatisfactory. 94 promoted via an exemption, benchmark score or probationary promotion.
Where to get information Check the RSA page on my website Check the RSA page on the OSDE site Call or me anytime! or