Chapter 5 Checking the victim
CHECK CHECK THE SCENE- Is it safe??? CHECK THE VICTIM 1. Check for consciousness-How???
Say -Are you OKAY? ADULT AND CHILD-Shoulder tap INFANT- foot flick
Conscious victim Tell them who you are. Your level of training. What care you would like to give. Ask permission to help them?
Checking a conscious victim Interview the victim What happened? Do you feel pain or discomfort anywhere? Are you allergic to anything? Do you have a medical condition? Are you currently taking medicine?
Check victim from Head to Toe Do not move any area that causes pain or if you suspect neck/spinal injury Check head-scalp, face, ears, mouth or nose. Look for cuts, bruises, bumps or depressions. Watch for consciousness Look for changes in breathing Notice how skin looks and feels Look over entire body Look for medical identification tags/bracelets
Unconscious victim Implied consent law-allows you to help victim. Call 911 Check for airway Breathing Circulation Severe bleeding
Airway After you call 911 Check the airway If you suspect NO NECK INJURY Perform the head tilt/chin lift Spinal injury-jaw thrust
Breathing You will LOOK, LISTEN AND FEEL FOR BREATHING for 10 sec. LOOK-At the chest rise and fall LISTEN- for breathing FEEL- feel for air on your cheek
Agonal breath Usually occurs in unconscious adults where breathing is irregular, gasping and shallow. Care for this person as if they are not breathing.
Unconscious victim Adult who has agonal or no breaths=perform CPR. Child or infant who is not breathing, give 2 breaths then perform CPR. Person is breathing but has severe bleeding=control the bleeding by applying direct pressure/pressure bandages.
H.A.IN.E.S Recovery Position (High Arm IN Endangered Spine) Placing a unconscious person in this recovery position will keep the airway open and clear. MODIFIED-place hand under head.
Infant Recovery Position
Unconscious SICK Adult-Skills Test 1. Check the scene 2. Put gloves on 3. check the victim-are you okay?-shoulder tap 4. call 911-GET AED 5. LOOK for breathing for 10 seconds. 6. VERBALIZE LOOKING FOR SIGNS OF INJURY AND FOR MEDICAL ID JEWELRY.
Unconscious SICK child/infant 1.Check the scene 2.Put gloves on 3. check the victim-are you okay?-shoulder tap (child), foot flick ( infant) 4. call 911-GET AED 5. Look for breathing-10 seconds Yes- Breathing 6. VERBALIZE LOOKING FOR SIGNS OF INJURY AND FOR MEDICAL ID JEWELRY