Iditarod Traveling Quilt Project Scenes from Schools Around the World View a ‘few’ of the locations involved in the Iditarod Traveling Quilt Project and the Common Thread Project.
North Carolina
New Jersey
Rome, Italy
Common Thread Project: From Arizona to Nome, Alaska!
Common Thread Project: Created In New Jersey and sent to Alaska
Common Thread Project: Created In Missouri and sent to Alaska
From Tennessee and from Missouri From Arizona and North Carolina
Common Thread Project: Japan
Common Thread Project: Nebraska
Common Thread Project: New York
Common Thread Project: North Carolina
From the Pages of the Scrapbook
Personal Note: My work on the Iditarod Traveling Quilt projects is dedicated to the memory of my friend and coworker, Bobbie Rieck. Bobbie gave me an Iditarod Quilt to celebrate my journey as the 2000 Iditarod Teacher on the Trail™. This quilt hangs in my home today and represents the threads that bind us together educationally, emotionally, and spiritually, today, tomorrow, and forever. Bobbie was the BEST teacher I’ve ever known. In teaching she demonstrated and helped me know that it is more important to ‘uncover’ knowledge and build on that knowledge. She taught from her heart and her soul. She shared her life’s experiences with students and made learning fun, real life, and applicable. She did not need to ‘teach to the test’ because her kind of teaching withstands the test of time and lives on in those she taught. I’ve learned to miss her a little, tiny bit less, because a bit of her lives on in me. With gratitude, with love, to Bobbie. (Photo, April 2000)