A comparison of two license plate acquiring methods Ubiquitous computing David Filipovic
Police officers -> always on the move Acquiring license plate numbers while driving What is better?
Police officers in charge of safety We can also help to keep them safe
Assumed: typing has more adverse effects on driving performance Possible explanation: More time spent looking off road
Conduct a study using the driving simulator Have participants drive and perform under tasks experimental conditions Collect data
Driving scenario: 2-lane highway Vehicles approached from their right Primary task: driving Secondary task: collecting license plates
Driving performance data ◦ Lane position, steering wheel angle, PDT… Physiological data ◦ EKG, skin conductance, pupil diameter Qualitative data ◦ Participants’ opinions, NASA-TLX
A ruggedized keyboard for the typing task Ambient speech recognition (100% accuracy)
Four male subjects Aged 22-25, average: Experienced drivers Proficient QWERTY keyboard users
ANOVA, p<0.022
speechtyping Steering wheel angle
Definitive presence of an effect Future study with more participants