1 Weekly Supervisor Meeting – Project Waalbrug Project Waalbrug Improving transport accessibility in Nijmegen Bernat Goni, Vikash Mohan, Arjen van Diepen, Tim van Leeuwen 9 th March 2010
2 Weekly Supervisor Meeting – Project Waalbrug Outline Introduction Solution Space Alternatives
3 Weekly Supervisor Meeting – Project Waalbrug Solution Space Result from brainstorm session: Solution ideas - Road pricing on the Waalbrug (in peak hours) - Improving the Waalsprinter service and PT - Separation of flows in the singles Bridges/tunnels Lowering the road level Dynamic Traffic Management (DTM) Dynamic route guidance panels Green waves
4 Weekly Supervisor Meeting – Project Waalbrug Solution Space (continued) PT alternatives not using the Waalbrug(e.g. Ferry) Diverting traffic flows to alternative routes, including those that include the Stadsbrug Redesign the Keizer Traianusplein Location basic services in the northern part Central parking places (north) New parking facilities in the city centre (near Traianusplein) Hov lanes Extra bridge Extending/widening waalbrug
5 Weekly Supervisor Meeting – Project Waalbrug Alternatives: Rough sketches Route Guidance system Improving public transport Redesign Keizer Traianusplein Reducing conflicts on the Singels HOT lanes Ferry system
6 Weekly Supervisor Meeting – Project Waalbrug Route Guidance Goal: Better use of capacity, to distribute traffic equal over available routes Current Situation: One car route to city center available (via Waalbrug).
7 Weekly Supervisor Meeting – Project Waalbrug Route Guidance Solution directions To reduce the delays divert other traffic from the north to other routes, like via the Stadsbrug or A50/A73 Matrix signs (see previous sheet) on the routes to Nijmegen (Junction Ressen) Smartphone applications with traffic situation status include alternatives like Waalsprinter Remark: Reliability is important, only then people are going/willing to switch.
8 Weekly Supervisor Meeting – Project Waalbrug Improving Public Transport Goal: Give a better alternative for car users to access the city center Solution directions: Increase service - more routes, increased frequency etc. Improved user information - real-time information etc. Lower fares and discounts Services targeting particular travel needs, such as express commuter buses, etc.
9 Weekly Supervisor Meeting – Project Waalbrug High Occupancy Toll-Lane (HOT) Goal: Better use of capacity of the Waalbrug Current situation Waalbrug; Bus lane for Waalsprinter & Local Busses Solution Direction:Combines HOV and pricing strategies by allowing single occupancy vehicles to gain access to HOV lanes by paying a toll.
10 Weekly Supervisor Meeting – Project Waalbrug HOT- Principle Route pricing depending on time of day (peak hours) Dynamic variable pricing depending on the observed number of vehicles The fare of the HoT lane depends on the number of vehicles on the lane and changes every 5 minutes to maintain a minimum LOS(level of service) Per trip charging Solo drivers willing to pay the charge only during peak hours
11 Weekly Supervisor Meeting – Project Waalbrug Example HOT lanes in the U.S. Figure 1: HOT laneFigure 2: detection for paying? TIL5050 – Interdisciplinairy Project
12 Weekly Supervisor Meeting – Project Waalbrug Ferry-system Introduction of a speedy fast passenger Ferry to enter the city center from the north Keizer Trajanusplein – February 5 th – 13.00h
13 Weekly Supervisor Meeting – Project Waalbrug Fast passenger ferry Goal: Give an alternative to cross the Waal without using the current alternatives Solution Direction: Focus is more on people who work in the city center area, also people who wants to visit the city center Parking places to park your car and use the ferry to cross the Waal No tariff (in peak hours) ‘recreation’ while going to your work
14 Weekly Supervisor Meeting – Project Waalbrug Redesign Keizer Traianusplein Goal: Improving flow on Keizer Traianusplein Current situation: Bottleneck during peak hours, many conflicts; especially with left turns Solution direction: improving flow on Traianusplein by reducing conflicts through a redesign. Traffic intensities on Traianusplein (evening peak) Traffic intensities on Traianusplein (morning peak)
15 Weekly Supervisor Meeting – Project Waalbrug Redesign Keizer Traianusplein Facilitate left turn on viaduct Remove conflict by lowering lanes for straight traffic Current traffic situation Sketch design alternative
16 Weekly Supervisor Meeting – Project Waalbrug Reducing conflicts on Singels Traffic intensities on Singels (evening peak) Goal: Improving flow on Singels Current situation: Conflicts on crossings on Singels disturb flow of traffic, major left turn on Prins Bernhardstraat Solution direction: reduce conflicts on Singels by changing traffic situation and diverting flows
17 Weekly Supervisor Meeting – Project Waalbrug Reducing conflicts on Singels Reducing conflicts on two crossings (Prins Bernhardstraat and Berg en Dalseweg) Diverting left turning traffic to Bijleveldsingel Reduces number of traffic light phases and waiting time Concept new traffic situation on Singels