Routes to Success: A Roadmap for New RUSA Members DRAFT,
RUSA’S Mission RUSA is responsible for stimulating and supporting excellence in the delivery of general library services and materials, and the provision of reference and information services, collection development, readers’ advisory, and resource sharing for all ages, in every type of library.
RUSA’s Vision RUSA is the foremost organization of reference and information professionals who make the connections between people and the information sources, services, and collection materials they need. 3
RUSA's Beliefs We believe... In universal access to information. Reading is fundamental to quality of life and we value all activities that promote it. 4
RUSA's Values We value... Collections and information sources Innovative services and programs Continuous evaluation and improvement Professional growth Librarians and staff as educators Unique contributions by all 5
RUSA’s Promise to You Members First: Members are the most valuable resource of RUSA Best national peer network for reference librarians and staff Leadership and professional development opportunities RUSQ (Reference and User Services Quarterly): One of the best peer-reviewed journals in the field. Dissemination of relevant, timely and useful information and knowledge affecting the field.
RUSA’s History RUSA is the premier national association for reference librarians and staff. 1972: Adult Services Division and Reference Services Division merge to become Reference and Adult Services Division (RASD). 1996: Name changes to Reference and User Services Association (RUSA). More history at:
Organizational Chart Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) ALA RUSA, One of 11 divisions of ALA BRASS Business Reference and Services Section CODES Collection Development & Evaluation Section HISTORY History Section MARS Emerging Technologies in Reference Section RSS Reference Services Section STARS Sharing and Transforming Access to Resources Section
RUSA’S Sections Six Sections Section memberships free to RUSA members Each Section has its own bylaws, officers, and committees Sections sponsor RUSA programs 9
BRASS BRASS Business Reference & Services Section BRASS is the Business Reference and Services Section of RUSA. Whether you're new to business reference and looking for some guidance or you wish to share your business reference expertise, BRASS is your home within ALA. BRASS members come from all kinds of libraries--public, academic, corporate and everything in between. 10
CODES CODES Collection Development and Evaluation Section CODES, the Collection Development and Evaluation Section, is the place in ALA for reference/user services librarians and staff from all types of libraries to discuss the rapidly changing landscape of collection development, readers’ advisory, and publishing. 11
HISTORY (HS) HISTORY (HS) Historical reference or research Section Represents the subject interests of reference librarians, archivists, bibliographers, genealogists, historians, and others engaged in historical reference or research. It brings together representatives of history collections from all types of libraries, archives, and historical societies. HS is the only group within ALA devoted to the discipline of history. 12
MARS MARS Emerging Technologies in Reference Section Serves reference and information service providers who leverage emerging technologies to deliver the highest quality services to users. We advocate for, promote and strengthen user environments and interactions and the creation of innovative information resources. 13
RSS RSS Frontline reference and provision of library services to special user populations Section RSS is the place in ALA for librarians and support staff involved with frontline reference, and for those providing library services to special populations of users. 14
STARS STARS Interlibrary loan, access services, cooperative reference, cooperative collection development, and other shared library services Section STARS addresses the interests of librarians and library staff involved with interlibrary loan, document delivery, remote circulation, access services, cooperative reference, cooperative collection development, remote storage, and other shared library services as well as providers of products and services which support resource sharing. 15
Member Impact More than 4,000 RUSA members Represents more than 30 countries Represents academic, public, government, school, corporate and special libraries. Over 900 member volunteers Over 125 volunteer committees and communities.
RUSA Awards Each year RUSA gives over $40,000 in awards Over 20 individual, book and media recognition awards are given annually 17
Signature Event: Book & Media Awards Reception Awards are announced for: The Dartmouth Medal The Listen List Notable Books List Outstanding Reference Sources List The Reading List Sophie Brody Medal All book lovers welcome! Hosted by RUSA & CODES at Midwinter Conference 18
Signature Event: Literary Tastes Author Event Literary Tastes Author Event Some of the year’s best authors discuss their works and the craft of writing All book lovers invited to help us celebrate! Hosted by RUSA & CODES at Annual Conference 19
RUSA on the Web Get the latest news in the field: Awards Book and Media Awards Announcements Literary Tastes Author Event Professional Development Professional Guidelines Reference and User Services Quarterly (RUSQ) 20
Learning with RUSA RUSA Learning Opportunities include: Online Courses offered throughout the year, such as: Business Reference 101 Genealogy 101 Health Reference Information Readers' Advisory 101 Reference Interview Spatial Literacy
Learning with RUSA… Conference programming Discussion forums Professional tools on the RUSA website Webinars 22
RUSQ RUSQ Reference and User Services Quarterly Official, peer-reviewed journal of RUSA All RUSA members receive a free subscription to RUSQ. Published quarterly in digital format 23
Connect with RUSA members Serve on a committee. Share your experience: Present at a program or preconference. Get published: Submit an article for RUSQ or RUSA Update. Mingle at the annual RUSA Midwinter social. Attend the Midwinter book & media awards reception, Annual award ceremony, and Literary Tastes author event. 24
Connect with RUSA members… Discussion Forums Discuss common interests and exchange ideas via RUSA’s discussion forums Discussion Lists Join the conversation: Network with members on: ALA Connect ALA Connect Facebook Facebook Twitter Twitter 25
Participate in RUSA Attend a discussion forum--online or in person. Join a RUSA committee: Volunteer form: Committee list: Nominate someone (even yourself) for an award: Run for office. Contact nomination committee chairs for RUSA and the sections: Vote! Your vote is vital in the annual ALA/RUSA elections.
Smart library Grant-funded program Collaboration between ALA, RUSA and the FINRA Investor Education Foundation. Funds library efforts to provide patrons with effective, unbiased financial education resources Now in its fourth year Has awarded a total of more than $4.6 million to public libraries and library networks nationwide:
Meet the Staff Susan Hornung, Executive Director (312) office Responsible for: Budget & policy matters, governance and board relations, administration, grants. Andrea Hill, Manager, Web Services (312) office Responsible for: Website & blog updates, content management, communications, online courses, publications. Liz Markel, Marketing & Programs Manager (312) office Responsible for: Meetings, marketing and promotions, conference programs & activities, awards, CE programs and Smart Investing program support. Leighann Wood, RUSA Membership Assistant (312) Responsible for providing administrative project support for governance, awards, conference planning, member recruitment/retention and other special projects.
Insert Staff Photo 29 Looking towards a bright future
Member Testimonials When I first got involved in ALA, the choices were overwhelming. With so many divisions, committees, interest groups, and round tables, I did not know where to start. Then I started attending RUSA discussion groups, where I found other people like myself interacting and learning from each other. In RUSA, I found a home that I have been satisfied with ever since. David Tyckoson, Associate Dean, California State University, Fresno. I switched my ALA committee activity from another division to RUSA…It’s been a tremendous pleasure and learning experience to collaborate with librarians from county, special, and municipal libraries across the country. Charles Thurston, Research Services Librarian, University of Texas at San Antonio. I've worked in three types of libraries, and the topics and issues presented through RUSA are relevant to all of them. Rosanne M. Cordell, Head of Reference, Indiana University, South Bend. When I first began exploring ALA, I found RUSA to be the most open and inviting division. It has become my home for professional librarianship. I have met many people whom I now interact with regularly, as colleagues, as co-authors, to act as a reference or to be reference. RUSA has offered me opportunities that I did not have as a part-time librarian to become a leader, and it has allowed me to make a difference in the future of reference librarianship. Lisa R. Horowitz, Coordinator of Central Reference Services, MIT Libraries. Rev