*providing high-quality instruction/intervention matched to individual student needs *using a researched-based intervention program *systematically assessing children to ensure academic progress is made
(1)To universally screen all children to gain knowledge of students’ strengths and needs (2) To use progress monitoring to provide evidence of student achievement and successful interventions
LllLll Tier I – Universal or Core Language Arts instruction for all students, with flexible small group instruction– Meets the needs of 80% of students Tier II – Supplemental Targeted Intervention for Students (in addition to LA instruction in the classroom) – needed by 15% of the students Tier III – Intensive Supplemental Interventions provided – needed by 5% of the students Adapted from NASDSE, 2005 RtII is based on a Three Tier Model
What Universal Screenings are we using at Hillcrest? Students in Kindergarten through Third Grade are assessed using DIBELS. D ynamic I ndicators of B asic E arly L iteracy S kills
What are DIBELS? DIBELS are designed to be short (one minute) fluency measures used to regularly monitor the development of early literacy and early reading skills. DIBELS are comprised of seven measures to function as indicators of phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle, accuracy and fluency with connected text, reading comprehension, and vocabulary. DIBELS were designed for use in identifying children experiencing difficulty in acquisition of basic early literacy skills in order to provide support early and prevent the occurrence of later reading difficulties.
Letter Naming Fluency (Kindergarten) Children are assessed on their ability to recognize letters in print.
First Sound Fluency (Kindergarten) This assessment is completed aloud with the assessor.
Nonsense Word Fluency (Grade 2) This component assesses alphabetic principle - including letter-sound correspondence in which letters represent their most common sounds. It also assesses the ability to blend those letters into “words”.
Oral Reading Fluency and Retell Accuracy (Grade 2) During this assessment, children are asked to read the passage, aloud, for one minute. The second part of the assessment requires children to retell all they remember about what they just read.
Meet as a team and share responsibility DIBELS data Council Rock Language Arts Assessments Classroom Performance
What to expect when a child moves through a tiered intervention… (1 ) Interventions take place in addition to the general language arts curriculum. Students will not miss any of their core instruction due to interventions. (2)Interventions are carried out in 24 sessions. (3)Progress monitoring will occur more frequently to ensure student progress is being made. (4)Once students meet with success in Tiers 2 and 3, they progressively return to Tier 1 instruction. 1. Universal Screening & Classroom Data Collection 2. Team Meetings to discuss data 3. Interventions Begin (minimum of 24 sessions) 4. On going Progress Monitoring 5. Team Meetings to discuss outcomes