Group B Comparison of the different types of programs
Technical and operational conditions OperationalTechnicalInterve ntions Geographical reconnaissance Training Manpower and logistics support Community mobilization Assemble the teams Selection of the spray pumps and to follow the proper spray techniques Establish M and E system Quality monitoring and supervision system Supply of equipment Entomological surveillance Insecticide resistance Endophylic vectors Transmission season of malaria Breeding habits Type of insecticide to be used Target population and coverage Strategy for management of resistance IRS
OperationalTechnicalInterventions Acceptability and population behavior Procurement, storage Distribution of nets – either campaign mode or otherwise Catch-up and keep-up strategy Monitor the efficacy and durability of the nets in field conditions Sleeping areas/2 per household targeted consider also hanging policy Replacement policy Monitor useage and coverage Vector behaviour especially biting times Degree of Zoophylia Resistance to pyrethroids Target population. LLINs
Quickly malaria returns if vector control is stoped? What factors determine how Vectorial Capacity Immunity herd Surveillance System Type of control measures
In what ways can operational research guide and promote case management in malaria elimination, including diagnosis and the use of antimalarial drugs? Every aspect of diagnosis and treatment needs operational research e.g rational drug use, physicians compliance, patients compliance, private sector involvement, sensitivity tests. Patient adherence to treatment, health care seeking behavior.