Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Elcio Guimarães Climate Change & Capacity Strengthening Area Annual Program Review 2011 Nairobi, Kenya 10 May 2011
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Content Climate Change and Policy Capacity Strengthening & Knowledge Management PRGA Tropical Fruits Challenges
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Climate Change and Policy (1/8) Climate Change o Supported CIAT’s lead centre status for the CCAFS o Theme Leadership of the CCAFS
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Climate Change (CC) o Grounding CC - major activities in Colombia, Jamaica and Guatemala on supply chain adaptation (with Oxfam) o Policy Briefs on CC implications for agriculture in Colombia and on coffee for Mesoamerica Climate Change and Policy (2/8)
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Ecosystem Services (ES) o Development of national methods for calculating opportunity costs for REDD+ developed and included in WB training manuals o Finalization of the Amazon Spatial Policy Targeting tool online Climate Change and Policy (3/8)
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Ecosystem Services (ES) o Quantification of ES in watersheds and the identification of their correspondent priority service-providing unit (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru) Climate Change and Policy (4/8)
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Contingent valuation Urban water users Travel cost Tourists Marginal costs and benefits Hydropower company Ecosystem Services (ES) o Economic valuation of the benefits derived from ES by downstream ES users as an input for a BSM negotiation in Peru Production function Agriculture Climate Change and Policy (5/8)
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Linking Farmers to Markets (LFM) o Synthesis of PROGRESO methodology for agro- enterprise development post conflict - Policy brief o Major new projects established in 2010 IFAD (LFM LAC strategy) Ford Foundation (public policy analysis) Climate Change and Policy (6/8)
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Impact targeting and assessment o Continued analysis of impact of rice in LAC o Studies on impacts of CIAT’s bean work in East Africa ongoing o Major forage study ongoing in SE Asia Climate Change and Policy (7/8)
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Impact targeting and assessment o Site Specific Agriculture in fruits in Colombia delivering first impacts with 1000s of farmers o Two new economists working on agricultural trends in LAC and climate change policy (joint IFPRI positions) Climate Change and Policy (8/8)
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Content Climate Change and Policy Capacity Strengthening & Knowledge Management PRGA Tropical Fruits Challenges
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Research Design Research Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Knowledge Sharing with Stakeholders Training Documentation Communication Participatory strategic planning Collaborative tools and methods; participatory research Theories of change, Innovation histories, surveys Theories of change, Innovation histories, surveys Social Media, workshops, conferences Courses, field days Multi-media training materials Courses, field days Multi-media training materials Text, photo, video, interviews Text, photo, video, interviews Conferences, press releases, policy briefs Capacity Strengthening & Knowledge Management (1/9)
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Capacity Strengthening & Knowledge Management (2/9) Regional Capacity Strengthening Platform o IP meeting o Seed platform
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Capacity Strengthening & Knowledge Management (3/9)
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Printed Material Annual Report published (1 st among CGIAR centers) CIAT Briefs – Expanding o Project Initiatives o Strategy in Action o Donor Briefs CIAT Briefs - Existing series o 18 - CIAT Briefs o 12 - Program Syntheses o 2- Policy Briefs Capacity Strengthening & Knowledge Management (4/9)
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Other publications Cassava in the Third Millennium 9 – Laboratory guides Eco-Efficient Rice Production – Tome II (awaiting funding) Financial Statements 2010 Capacity Strengthening & Knowledge Management (5/9)
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor High visibility events o CIAT Agricultural Forum o Biodiversity, Biotrade, and Sustainable Development o World Food Day and World Rural Women's Day Exhibits o AgroExpo: bi-annual agricultural fair in Bogota o ExpoCiencia: annual science fair in Bogota Capacity Strengthening & Knowledge Management (6/9)
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Events in the regions o CIAT Annual Program Review in Kenya (9-11 May) Joint planning and execution (press release, media event on first-day morning session) o International CIALCA conference in Rwanda (24-27 Oct) Joint preparation of press release; promotion; social media coverage; and, social reporting during the event Capacity Strengthening & Knowledge Management (7/9)
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor New corporate websites (En-Oct 2010; Sp-Mar 2011) Social media o Blogs English: > 1,400 visits, 93 countries (Mar-Apr 2011) Spanish: > 1,700 visits, 40 countries (Mar-Apr 2011) o Picture sharing Flickr : > 250,000 views (since May 2009) CIAT pictures used in many print and digital publications – all with visible credit to CIAT Capacity Strengthening & Knowledge Management (8/9)
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Videos o > 8,500 views (since May 2009) o YouTube: high number of views (stats difficult to retrieve) Poster & presentation sharing o Slideshare: > 200 posters; > 180 presentation (user stats retrieval is time consuming) Micro messaging o Twitter: > 990 tweets, 729 followers, 58 listed Capacity Strengthening & Knowledge Management (9/9)
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Content Climate Change and Policy Capacity Strengthening & Knowledge Management PRGA Tropical Fruits Challenges
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor PRGA Participatory Plant Breeding and Gender with PABRA in Kenya and Tanzania “Differentiating among female and male bean variety preferences in a range of dynamic scenarios (low/high stress; market-driven/subsistence)” ICARDA PPB Program - “Genetic Resources and Farmers’ Knowledge to Adapt Crops to Climate Changes” Program Final Report (in prep.) and conceptualization of PPB and Gender work conducted over almost 14 years
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Supporting CIAT Programs in LAC - Development of new gender-sensitive research proposals and criteria that include gender analysis: o Fruits of success: women, sustainability and peach palm o Meeting the Challenges of Food Insecurity and CC in Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago - action on PVS and adaptation of cassava o New “Gender & Breeding Initiative” for CIAT crops PRGA
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Global Gender Research o “Demand Analysis” study on Gender-Responsive Participatory Research (GRPR) needs at the CGIAR level with 12 Centers o Determined strength and gaps in the implementation of GRPR PRGA
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Content Climate Change and Policy Capacity Strengthening & Knowledge Management PRGA Tropical Fruits Challenges
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Tropical Fruits Event to socialize the strategy (IICA, Corpoica, UNAL, FHIA, ICA, Casa Luker, Productora de Jugos, CRS, Biotec, Embrapa, Bioversity International) – Outputs: o Four concept notes o Tropical Fruit Strategy consolidated 2011 research proposals million (earned US$250,000 – more results in August)
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Currently there is a visiting scientist from USAID working with the program A national research agenda for Colombia was agreed with Corpoica and will be discussed with the fruit chain shortly Tropical Fruits
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Content Climate Change and Policy Capacity Strengthening & Knowledge Management PRGA Tropical Fruits Challenges
Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Challenges How to have a CIAT agenda complementary to CRPs Fund raising opportunities, but with partners and responding to full cost recovery Keep the critical mass in all programs