Treehouse Outreach Program 501(c) 3 Where Kids Climb to New Heights
Who we are…. Non-profit organization that supports children and their families affected by AUTISM.
AUTISM…… I think I saw a special on Dateline or read an article about that…
AUTISM is Defined by a constellation of behaviors and developmental abnormalities Absence or impaired ability in: Imaginative and social play Impaired ability to make friends with peers Impaired ability to initiate or sustain a conversation with others
Stereotyped, repetitive, or unusual use of language Restricted patterns of interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus Apparently inflexible adherence to specific routines or rituals Preoccupation with parts of objects
So What Do You Think The Face Of AUTISM Looks Like?
Study of Texas Counties by The University of Texas Health Science Center as of February 2007 the autism epidemic revised rate is now estimated to be 1 in
Our Mission for the San Antonio Community Our mission is to create a supportive and educational environment for our children, their families, and the community that is based on acceptance, understanding, and love.
We offer A multi-disciplinary assessment to diagnose children with autism
We offer Two-Day Intensive Parent Training to teach the families how to develop their child’s skills in the home.
We Offer Follow up clinics for children we have diagnosed with autism to ensure recommended services have been received and any new assessments or recommendations are made.
We Offer….. Four-week Parent Trainings for parents of newly-diagnosed children
We Offer 6-8 weeks Intensive Parent Training for families who’s children’s behavior keep them from participating in the community setting.
We Offer Community Education to Region 13, Any Baby Can, San Antonio Autism Society, CAMP, Village of Hope, Parents with Challenges, local daycares and private schools. Joint Attention Training Teaching Early Language Skills Behavior Principles and Intervention Preparing for Social Events
We Offer ….After-school programs that offer specific training in Integrated Plays skills that allow children with Autism to learn appropriate social skills from their peers.
We participate in public awareness efforts through Disney Radio, Any Baby Can, San Antonio Express News and various local magazines