Activities on tracker and calorimetry of Korean physicists - Silicon Tracker - Silicon-Tungsten Calorimeter - Tile-Tungsten Calorimeter Youngdo Oh Kyungpook National University The 2nd KILC Workshop, Pohang 2004/12/28
stand-alone tracking capability ▣ Intermediate Tracker Configuration 5 layers at r = 9 to 37 cm angular coverage |cosΘ|<0.9 spatial resolution σ = 10 μm thickness of a layer: 0.6% Xo Huge detector concept: TPC: Rmin = 40 cm Do not expect much changes in IT
Intermediate Tracker Design for GLC - Double-sided silicon microstrip detectors i. excellent spatial resolution ii. well-established technology Layout of the IT surrounding the VTX. - The distance between the last layer of VTX and the first layer of Trackeris about 39cm in Large detector design. i. 5 layers of coaxial cylinders at 9, 16, 23, 30 and 37cm ii. covers | cosΘ |<0.90 coinciding with the region covered by VTX
Intermediate Tracker R&D Activities in Korea √ linking and reconstruction efficiency (Fast Simulation) √ track momentum resolution (Full Simulation) √ DSSD simulation/design/fabrication Electronics(RC chip, VA1TA, FADC), DAQ √ S/N ratio measurement and beam test - Kyungpook National University - Korea University - Seoul National University - Chunnam National University - Sungkyunkwan University Sensor design Process chart KNU / SNU Simulation (process and device) KNU/SKKU DAQ/Electronics/Test KNU/KU/CNU Sensor
512ch 100um pitch sensor Without hour glass 512ch 100um pitch sensor With hour glass 1cm PIN Diode For SDD R&D PIN Diode array 16ch 100um pitch sensor 16ch 100um pitch SSD 32ch 100um pitch sensor 64ch 100um pitch sensor MASK Design : P Side ▣ MASK Design : P Side
Silicon sensor R&D <- Details by B.G.Cheon ▣ Silicon sensor R&D <- Details by B.G.Cheon Metal 1 and metal 2 contact (VIA) n+ ohmic side p+ junction side 1 st metal 2 nd metal readout line double sided silicon strip tree metal process - implant strips in ohmic side are orthogonal to those in junction side -readout strips in junction side have the same direction as that of ohmic side Front Side: - brown: implanted n+ - blue: p-stop - sky blue: SiO2 - gray: Al for readout Back Side: - blue: implanted p+ - first gray: 1 st metal - sky blue: SiO2 - vertical gray: VIA - second gray: 2 nd metal
▣ Silicon Sensor n+ implanted p-stop in atoll via in hourglassreadout pad in staggering guard ring p+ implantedreadout strip N sideP side
▣ Measurements
These are disappeared after insulating wafer edges ▣ Measurements of the sensor
Silicon-Tungsten Calorimetry Advantage well known, well proven technology, proven high accuracy High granularity, but expensive to date Built-in ShowerMax & Presampler Modest Tracking capability for both charged/neutral particles Sampling EM and even Hadron calorimeter Cost –At moment 10 times more expensive that other types, but will be comparable in next 5 years –Cost depends on how you build it Many grounds do R&D Why Silicon for Calorimeter?
DC coupled 4*4 array matrix in 4 inch wafer Pixel size : 1.5 * 1.4 cm^2 3 guard rings N-type silicon 5 ㏀ SiO 2 p+p+ Al Guard Ring Pixels(Signal) 650 ㎛ Korean Silicon Sensor (1st Prototype, Oct.2002)
Fabricated a sensor on 5’ wafer using the method of “stepper” Size : 6.52*5.82 cm 2 (including 3 guard rings ) array : 4*4 matrix Pixel size: 1.55 * 1.37 cm 2 Full depletion voltage : 90V Leakage current level : about 3 nA per pixel at full depletion voltage 3 Guard Rings 60um 20um gap between sensors Clean wafer Oxidation Cover with photoresist Expose through mask Develop Etch, Stip N + Diffusion P + Implantation Anneal Metallization Fabrication process CALICE : 6*6 pixels, each 1cm*1cm (4” wafer) 525um or 380um thick Fab at SENS Technology ( Korean Silicon Sensor (Mass Production in )
Capacitance Measurement Full depletion voltage : 90V
Dark box Pb Photodiode sensor Beta ( 90 Sr) source Gate Generator Shaping AMP Discriminator Trigger Photodiode PreAmp PreAmp for sensor S/N ~ 120 S/N Ratio Measurement with Sr-90 source (use of single channel very low noise preamp)
Digital Electronics : ADC, Contorl, Power Board FPGA ACP Board Power DC Voltage High Voltage ADC ADC: MAX 1133 Sampling Speed : 200ksps (200ksps X 16bit = 0.4Mbyte/s) Resolution : 16bit (65536 Level)
size : 65.5 mm X 57.5 mm ( ~ sensor size) thickness : 3.5 mm (= 1 X0) purity : close to 99% (Rm = 9mm) Tungsten tungsten
Beam Direction Layers of Si sensors and Tungstens Frontend readout boards Digital readout boards and PC interface CERN Beam test ( 2004/8~9)
Data Summary (50GB) BeamBeam Energy (GeV)Etc Muon150 4x4x20 TD Check Electron50TD Check Pion150Sensor scan Pion150 4x4x20 Tungsten Muon150 Electron150,100, 80,50, 30,20,10 Pion150 4x8x10 Tungsten Muon150 Electron150, 100, 50, 20 files /37~ /36~48
Detector Response to Electron Beam(sum of all channel) Total ADC of an event / GeV Electron 100 GeV Electron 80 GeV Electron 50 GeV Electron 30 GeV Electron 20 GeV Electron 10 GeV Electron First look of data
Energy Resolution vs Energy Electron Energy in GeV dE / E (%) Very preliminary First look of data Analysis is underway
Tile-Tungsten Calorimeter
Tile Tungsten Calorimeter R&D Prototype Layout One Layer : Wolfram 20cm X 20cm X 0.3cm Scintillator 1cm X 20cm X 0.2cm X 20 Total: 30 Layers Wolfram Scintillator
Current Status Survey almost finished for the all the components aimed all the components supplied in Korea Largely five components Tungsten, Scintillator, SiPM, Simulation package, readout electronics R & D has already been started for some parts expect very active R & D for the next two years 3 professors from Kobe, Shinshu and Niigata universities visited KNU on Dec 7 – 9 to discuss the cowork about TiCAL - development of SiPM - Readout - Scintillator - Physics simulation using current simulation tools, ( Mokka, Jupiter..)
Tungsten TaeguTec( 전 대한중석회사 ) 에 서의 텅스텐 판 제작 가능성 타 진 판 구조의 가능성 : Alloy, Heavy metal or other ??? –W:Ni:Cu=95:3.5:1.5 Alloy –WC + Cr heavy metal –W:Pb = 7:3 ??? : new possibility 현재 100 mm by 100 mm 판 제 작 가능. 성분 구성에 대한 모의시늉 등 연구 필요 –W 와 Pb 구성이면 매우 만들기 쉬 움 – 모의시늉 필요 – 회사측과 연구 / 개발 협의
SiPM 한국 / 러시아 / 일본 공동연 구 수행. Quantum Efficiency 향상 Noise level 의 줄임 국내에서의 제작
Scintillator 1 cm 정도 폭의 strip 형태의 scintillator 는 필연적임. 압출 기술에 의한 scintillator 제 작 Fermilab 팀과 연구 / 개발하기로 합의 –Light yield 를 높이기 위한 성 분 시험 –Groove 디자인 등등 모든 scintillator 의 제작 한국에서 가능
Simulation Geant4 based Simulation packages are considered. : Mokka, Jupiter Mokka : installed - running successfully - geometry database installed at KNU - We are ready to open account to anyone interested in running physics. Jupiter : not yet - Japanese site doesn ’ t distribute official version yet - We asked cooperation when Japanese professors visited KNU - And we are also asked to cowork about physics simulations. As first stage, we are interested in physics simulation of SUSY using susygen3.0 and SUSY parameter scan.
Summary Silicon tracker and silicon sensors are fabricated at Korea. Sensor R&D is underway. First Prototype of silicon calorimeter was tested at CERN. Started design optimization and R&D work of TiCAL proto type R&D of Scintillator, W, SiPM R&D of Readout Electronics Ready for physics simulation need informations and discusstions with theory & physics working group Target : Prototype beam test at Fermilab (summer, 2006)