Great Place to Work – Senior Responsible Officer Cathy Kennedy Template for work stream leads (to be completed by 6 th June 2014) Name of work stream: Career Models Name(s) of work stream lead: James Foxton
Project Outline The mission of the Career Models workstream is to: Provide programs and services to assist Finance staff in discovering, clarifying and fulfilling career choices, and to assist them to manage their careers effectively. Ensure opportunities for structured, fullfilling careers within the NHS Encourage potential recruits to choose the NHS as a workplace of choice for long term career development and opportunity Ensure NHS Finance is seen as a Great Place to Work, and the NHS is an employer of choice Work in partnership with stakeholders who are mutually incentivised by development of NHS staff To deliver its aims, the workstream will focus on 3 core components of career development, which will be mutually beneficial to both staff and employer: Recruitment Development Retention
Project Outline Recruitment Development Retention Recruitment Sourcing best candidates from broad range of backgrounds Marketing NHS Finance effectively to largest pool of high calibre candidates (universities, colleges, careers fairs) Offering structured development programmes – NHS Finance Graduate scheme / apprenticeships Development Investing time in NHS orientation for new recruits (all NHS discilplines, frontline and back office) Facilitating and encouraging self-assessment, personal and leadership development Supporting qualifications Career counseling and career management education Increased use of short term secondment opportunities and rotation Tailored training development packages for differing management grades Retention Output of the above…. Develop a detailed understanding of why staff leave.
Project Outline Project plan / timescales Short term Greater understanding of Profile of NHS finance 1.Understanding of Current demographics of NHS finance (age, sex, banding, career aspirations) 2.Survey on perceptions of NHS Finance careers – Internal and external (via cima/acca?) 3.Existing schemes (NHS Grad) – any localised schemes people are running? 4.Understanding current intakes and retention rates 5.Feedback through FFF forums and twitter etc of what people want to see Medium term Develop network of interested parties through FFF – start to consider: 1.Stakeholder analysis – internal and external 2.Opportunities to work with training providers and Accountancy firms / industry? Rotation of staff? 3.Bring together ideas and actions
Potential expenditure Very difficult to say beyond first 6 months: Would like to commission survey of perceptions of NHS finance c£20k (?) Strong belief that good a strong career model begins with the right candidates who want to develop. Need to understand what will attract those candidates / or not…. Would allow a better understanding of what is likely to attract / detract people from wanting to work in NHS Finance Some travel required initially in development of networks etcc£5k Longer term, project may need Project management btu unclear at this stage (may link in with NHS grad scheme)
Stakeholder map Existing staff Who wants to develop / who is comfortable as is... Case studies of past development Developmen tof rotational programmes for existing staff Finance directors Cooperation, specifically in the releasing of staff for secondment and development – Greater good! Accountancy firms / Bodies Attracting candidates Offering study support Offering sponsor? Secondment opportunities?
Timescales 6 months scoping,devleoping team. Subsequent 12 month programme of developing ideas, fleshing out project plan and delivering
Risks Capacity (personal and that of future team) Duplication – do we need to develop existing schemes or is this something new? Budget – cost pressure of trainee staff / developing – will organisations be willing to support? Organisational buy in Senior staff blocking progression routes Wider culture outside of finance