Karolina Sarnowska, University of Virginia Andrew Grimshaw, University of Virginia Mark Morgan, University of Virginia Akos Frohner, CERN Erwin Laure, KTH
Introduction Development Interoperability Performance Conclusion 2
Interoperability and Grid Standards 3
Create a standards-based interface for accessing data resources in EGEE grids Read data from LFCs via standardized interface Enable interoperability Validate specifications 4
Catalog of data files on storage elements Each logical file entry can correspond to multiple physical files (replicas) Provides mapping between logical file names and storage URLs 5 LFC /grid /atlas /alice /cms SE Storage Elements EGEE Grid
Infrastructure WS-Addressing, Resource Namespace Service (RNS), WS-Naming Compute JSDL, OGSA-BES, HPC Basic Profile Data RNS, OGSA-ByteIO, gridFTP, WS-DAI APIs SAGA, DRMAA, GridRPC Security WSI-BSP, WS-Security, WS-Trust, WS-Federation, WSSecurityPolicy, WS-SecureNaming, WS-Secure Communication 6
Need means of referring to resources What’s in a name? human-readable maps to unique resource 7
RNS: Resource Namespace Service Describes standard way of mapping names to grid endpoints RNS 1.0 Operations: Add, List, Remove, Query, Move 8
Standards-based Naming for Accessing Resources in an LFC 9 SNARL Service (1) RNS Requests (3) RNS Responses LFC /grid /atlas /alice /cms /dteam Grid Client (2) LFC API Calls SE EGEE Grid Another Grid Storage Elements
Need means of accessing data associated with resources 10
Describes standard way of handling transfer of data associated with grid entities POSIX-like interface Random, session-less or stateful session access Operations: Read, Write, Append, TruncAppend, SeekRead, SeekWrite 11
Standards-based Access to Bytes of LFC Entries 12 (3) LCG & GFAL API Calls SABLE Service (1) ByteIO Requests (3) ByteIO Responses LFC /grid /atlas /alice /cms /dteam Client SE EGEE Grid Another Grid Storage Elements (2) GFAL API Calls
Creating web services with Axis2/C 13
1.Setup web services framework with Axis2/C 2.Create skeleton services with WSDL2C 3.Create clients for testing 4.Implement RNS and ByteIO Operations using gLite APIs 14
Web services engine implemented in C Handles SOAP message processing Built-in support includes: WS-Addressing WS-Policy WS-SecurityPolicy 15
1.Specify web service in WSDL file 2.Use tool to generate C web service skeleton Resulting Service Skeleton Size: SNARL: 89k LOC SABLE :77k LOC 16
Example: RNS Add Request 17 foo
Translating RNS operations to API calls Should replicas be visible to users? 18 RNS OperationLFC API Call Addlfc_creat Listlfc_readdir Removelfc_unlink Querylfc_stat Movelfc_unlink + lfc_creat
19 LFC /grid/foo SNARL Service (1) RNS List (3) RNS List Response Grid Client (2) LFC API Calls SE fooReplicaA SE fooReplicaB
Translating ByteIO operations to API calls Should writes be allowed? 20 ByteIO OperationAPI Call Allgfal_open Readgfal_lseek + gfal_read Write/Appendgfal_lseek + gfal_write TruncAppendgfal_creat + Append
Project/SpecRNSByteIO Genesis IIXX Unicore 6X Fujitsu USMTX Microsoft CCS Globus OMII-UKX GridSAM Crown Platform OGSA-DAIXX NAREGI gFarmX 22
1.Using RNS list request, choose LFC entry 2.Using ByteIO read request, read data resource associated with LFC entry 23
24 (3) RNS List Response LFC /grid /atlas /alice /cms /dteam Grid Client (2) LFC API Calls SE (1) RNS List Request SNARL Service Storage Elements EGEE Grid GenesisII Grid
25 (3) ByteIO Read Response LFC /grid /atlas /alice /cms /dteam Grid Client SE (1)ByteIO Read Request SABLE Service Storage Elements (2) GFAL API Calls EGEE Grid GenesisII Grid
Scientific CERN Linux 4 Intel Pentium GHz CPU 1 GB memory 27
28 Dir Size: lfc-ls Cmdline LFC API Axis2 Client Genesis II Client Small (10 entries)0.42s1.49s1.94s4.43s Medium (100 entries)0.47s11.73s15.92s20.27s Large (1000 entries)0.71s2m 0.37s2m 1.11s2m 5.05s
29 File Size: lcg-cp Cmdline GFAL API Axis2 Client Genesis II Client Small (1 KB)2.54s2.60s2.55s3.49s Medium (1 MB)2.83s3.61s2.93s3.64s
Add security context Implement MIME, DIME, MTOM Explore use as interface between LFC and other tools Update for RNS 1.1 Implement StreamableByteIO 31
Implementation of RNS and ByteIO specification for existing grid system is possible RNS and ByteIO provide an interface that enables the sharing of grid data 32
CERN & DM Team UVA Genesis II Team OpenLab Program at CERN 33
1."Open Grid Forum," 2.M. Pereira, O. Tatebe, L. Luan, and T. Anderson, "Resource Namespace Service Specification,” M. Morgan, “ByteIO Specification,” M. M. Morgan and A. S. Grimshaw, "Genesis II – Standards Based Grid Computing," Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, “Apache Axis2/C,” 34