P. Van Binst - ULB/BTA - Iran - March 2002 Practical tips for starting telework in SME’s Paul VAN BINST University of Brussels Belgian Teleworking Association
P. Van Binst - ULB/BTA - Iran - March 2002 Leaving teleworkers alone, not enough support Teleworkers are not selected properly Disregard of supervisors’ objections Lack of supervisor training, the blame is put on the teleworkers No management by objectives = supervisors distrust teleworkers Use of ‘spying tools’ for supervising teleworkers Favouring teleworkers: non-teleworkers have to do all the unpleasant work (ad-hoc tasks etc.) How not to do it! 1. Bad management
P. Van Binst - ULB/BTA - Iran - March No integration Lack of IT support No work process adaptation = resulting in an increase in throughput times Not enough communication between teleworkers and other staff = working against each other instead of co-operating No ‘ culture’ = no communications Share of teleworkers per unit is too small = teleworkers remain outsiders/ ‘cranks’ No effort to gain consent of works council Data protection and security issues not taken seriously How not to do it!
P. Van Binst - ULB/BTA - Iran - March 2002 How not to do it! 3. Not enough control over costs Half-hearted desk-sharing = cost saving potential not harnessed Lack of courage to introduce touch-down offices Use of costs of purchase instead of ‘Total Costs of Ownership’ for ROI calculation Ad-hoc-management of hardware maintenance and repair If telework is treated as an add-on, it will may cause extra costs instead of cost savings!
P. Van Binst - ULB/BTA - Iran - March Employee exploitation ‘Semi-voluntary’ telework Using the admission to telework to extort overtime etc. from employees Disregarding the teleworker’s right to off-duty time Using telework to reduce employee rights Telework as a first step towards enforced self-employment Teleworkers as work peak buffers like zero work contracts but without retainer How not to do it!
P. Van Binst - ULB/BTA - Iran - March 2002 Preparation 1 1 Extension 6 6 Feasibility Study 2 2 Concept 3 3 Implementation 4 4 Control 5 5 Telework Introduction Process: Step Model
P. Van Binst - ULB/BTA - Iran - March 2002 Preparation Month Telework Introduction Process Information and motivation Involvement of: –Top-Management –Middle Management –Works Council/trade unions Secure agreement of all parties Project team building
P. Van Binst - ULB/BTA - Iran - March 2002 Feasibility Study Month Telework Introduction Process Decision on telework model Identification and selection of application areas for telework Measurement of interest in telework among employees Selection of suitable candidates for telework cost-benefit analysis (ex-ante)
P. Van Binst - ULB/BTA - Iran - March 2002 Concept Month Telework Introduction Process Development of telework design concepts: –definition of tasks and work procedures –results-oriented management –technology concept –training –labour law aspects –data protection and security
P. Van Binst - ULB/BTA - Iran - March 2002 Implementation Month Telework Introduction Process Implementation and pilot operation –technology implementation –training –securing pilot operation –further development of technological and organisational solutions –caring for teleworkers, managers, colleagues and other employees
P. Van Binst - ULB/BTA - Iran - March 2002 Control 5 5 At several points during the project Telework Introduction Process Evaluation and control –cost-benefit-analysis –measuring acceptance of telework among teleworkers and other parties involved –identification of socio-psychological impact –critical review of technological and organisational solutions
P. Van Binst - ULB/BTA - Iran - March 2002 Extension 6 6 After successful pilot operation, approx. > 12. Month Telework Introduction Process extension of telework in other areas and/or for further employees
P. Van Binst - ULB/BTA - Iran - March 2002 Continuation of upward trend More emphasis on “health and safety” and “family” issues Telework becomig second nature for many “Digital Divide” in telework: qualified vs less qualified men vs women large corporations vs SMEs urban vs peripheral regions It took Europe some time, but now its strongly moving ahead Remote regions need to catch up! Outlook for Telework