IEEE NSS/MIC/SNPS/RTSD Post-Conference Data Anthony Lavietes
2 Agenda Registration Demographics Short Courses Companion Program Exhibits Banquets Financial Results
3 Registration Total Attendance983 Paid913 Committee/Guests*70 Registration Categories Advance683 Members319 Non-members347 One Day6 Retired/Unemployed11 At Conference230 Members60 Non-members129 One Day40 Retired/Unemployed1 Canceled49 *Guests include short course instructors and complimentary registration (Exhibitor incentives, etc.)
4 Demographics
5 Short Courses Course NumberTitle 1Neutron Measurements: Fundamentals & Applications 2Pixel Detectors for Nuclear & Particle Physics 3Int. Circuit Front Ends for Nuclear Pulse Processing 4Analytic Image Reconstruction Methods 5Theory & Practice of Modular Scintillation Cameras 6Principles & Recent Adv. of Emission Computed Tomography 7Principles & Recent Adv. of X-ray Computed Tomography 8Statistical Methods for Image Reconstruction 9Sim.Tools - Monte Carlo Methods & Computer Phantoms
6 Companion Program Tour NumberEvent 1Tijuana Shopping & Lunch - Sun 11/4 2Harbor Excursion & City Tour 3Behind the Scenes - San Diego Zoo 4Behind the Scenes - Wild Animal Park 5Balboa Park: Museums 6La Jolla Aquarium & Shore Walk 7La Jolla Aquarium & Shopping 8Cooking/Wine School Tours cancelled due to September terrorist events: U.S. Aircraft Carrier San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant
7 Exhibits Occupancy Vendors34 Booths subscribed40 Booth Pricing Size8x10 ft. Price$1800* * Includes $200 fee for Exhibits Reception and Prize Drawing Cancellations (due to September events) Vendors10
8 Banquets
9 Current Financial Position BudgetedActual NET$53,265.00$81, T O T A L R E C E I P T S$583,100.00$572, T O T A L O U T L A Y S (w/o Contingency)$529,835.00$491, TOTAL CONFERENCE INCOME$583,100.00$572, Outstanding issues: Final Companion Program Invoice ($3,130) Proceedings CD-ROM Publication (~$12,000) MIC Local Account Reconciliation Miscellaneous Funding Reimbursements (ADCOM, etc.) Budget close-out and audit submission anticipated by end of March 2002