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Apollo 11 stones Namibia, Africa c. 25,500 – 25,300 BCE Charcoal on stone
Great Hall of the Bulls Lascaux France Paleolithic Europe, 15,000 – 13,000 BCE
Venus of Willendorf Austria, 28,000 – 25,000 BCE Limestone
Camelid sacrum in the shape of a canine Tequixquiac, central Mexico 14,00-7,000 BCE Bone
Running horned woman. Tassili n’Ajjer, Algeria 6000 – 4000 BCE Pigment on Rock
Beaker with ibex motifs Susa, Iran 4200 – 3500 BCE Painted terra cotta
Anthropomorphic stele Arabian Penninsula 4 th millenium BCE Sandstone Mayan Steles, Hondurus
Jade cong Liangzhu, China c BC, Neolithic period carved jade
Stonehenge Wiltshire, UK Neolithic, c – 1600 BCE Sandstone
The Ambum Stone Ambum Valley, Enga Providence, Papua New Guinea c BCE Grey wacke
Tiatilco female figurine Central Mexico, 1200 – 900 BCE Ceramic
Terra cotta fragment, Lapita Solomon Islands, Reef Islands 1000 BCE terra cotta (incised)