Capitalization Rules
We already know… Capitalize the first word in every sentence Capitalize the pronoun “I” Capitalize proper nouns
What else? Proper names of people The day and month of the year. The first word of the closing of a letter, for example, Yours truly, Sincerely yours, Your friend
What else? Titles that precede names, such as Mrs., Mr., Ms., Miss., and Dr. Titles of stories, such as “Escape”
Capitalize Geographical Names Type of NameExamples Towns, CitiesJamestown San Diego Sydney Cartagena Counties, StatesBolivar Texas Bedford County New York Forests and ParksChimney Rock Park Tayrona National Park Avenues, Streets and HighwaysPanamerican Highway Route 44 Madison Avenue San Martin Street
Geographical Names (cont.) Type of NameExamples MountainsMount Washington, Emory Peak, Mount Everest ContinentsAsia, Oceania (Australia), Africa Regionsthe North, the Coastal Region, Patagonia Other Geographical NamesMalay Peninsula, Panama Canal, Seneca Rocks CountriesGermany Australia IslandsSan Andres Island Rosario Island Easter Island
Names of Teams, Organizations, Institutions, and Government Bodies Type of NameExamples TeamsDetroit Pistons, Karr Cougars, Cojowa Eagles OrganizationsA Team, American Geographical Society, World Trade Organization InstitutionsColegio Jorge Washington, St. Jude Children’s Hospital, Antioch College Government BodiesDepartment of Agriculture, US Navy, Louisiana State Senate
Historical Events and Periods Type of NameExamples Historical EventsBattle of Bunker Hill, World War I, Yalta Conference Historical PeriodsGreat Depression, Middle Ages Special EventsWorld Series, Olympics HolidaysApril Fools Day, Memorial Day, Easter * The name of a season is not capitalized unless it is part of a proper name: German Winter Carnival
Names of Religions, Nationalities, Dieties, and Holy Days Type of NameExample Nationalities and RacesCaucasian, Greek, Filipino, African American Religions and FollowersChristianity, Zen Buddhism, Amish, Muslim Holy Days and CelebrationsAsh Wednesday, Easter, Ramadan, Yom Kippur Sacred WritingsKoran, Bible, New Testament Specific DeitiesGod, Brahma, Holy Spirit, Jehovah
People Type of NameExample Personal Titles and Abbreviations Mr. Carl Lewis, General Lee, Professor Smith; Todd Owens, Jr.; Mary Muelle, Ph.D. Head of state, royalty, nobility Baron Pierre de Coubertin, President Uribe, Emperor Hirohito, Princess Diana Family RelationshipsAunt Carla, Cousin Maggie, Dad, Grandpa Jack Do not capitalize titles and family - relationships if they are not used with a proper name. Dad is capitalized if you can substitute their name for dad in the sentence. Ex: We saw the queen sitting in the royal box. Liz Fernandez is my cousin.
Names of Buildings and Structures Sydney Opera House Hoover Dam Tower of London Do not capitalize words such as hotel, theater, church, or school, unless it is part of the name: a new school or Hoover School
Names of Planets, Stars, Constellations, and Other Heavenly Bodies Jupiter Sirius The Big Dipper The Milky Way
More Capitalization? School subjects, such as US History and Geology 102 are capitalized. “geology” is not capitalized on its own. Proper adjectives, such as English and Spanish are always capitalized.