Bottomland Hardwoods Forest
Baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) Characteristics Height: ’ Diameter: 3-5’ Needles: deciduous,.4-.75” long, single needles in 2 rows, flexible, dull, green Cone:.75-1” long Bark: brown or gray, scaly ridges Uses Heavy construction
Pecan (Carya illinoensis) Characteristics Height: 100’ Diameter: 3’ Leaves: pinnately compound, sickle-shaped leaflets, fine saw-toothed edges Bark: forked, scaly ridges, light brown to gray Uses bent wood parts
Eastern Cottonwood (Populus deltoides) Characteristics Height: 100’ Diameter: 3-4’ Leaves: 3-7” long, 3-5” wide, triangular, shiny green color Bark: smooth, light green color Uses Matches, crates, plywood, and pulpwood
Water Tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica) AKA: Black Tupelo Characteristics Height: 100’ Diameter: 3’ Leaves: 5-8” long, 2-4” wide, tooth-shaped leaf structures Bark: dark brown to gray, ridges, scaly Uses Furniture Roots: cork for fishnet floats
Tropical Forest
Black Mangrove (Avicennia nitida) Characteristics Height: 40’ Diameter: 1’ Leaves: evergreen, 2-4” long, salt crystals on surfaces Bark: brown or dark gray, smooth