14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC1 Straw manufacturing procedure and QC tape and straw parameters specification conditions of straw production: “clean room” status seam QC by microscope plans Presented by S.Movchan
14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC2 Tape specification spool # ( ) batch # (01-99) roll and tape visual inspection ok! or comments mylar typehomogeneous mylar thickness (36.0+/-0.075) µm elastic elongation limit > 2 kg (H=80%, T=23 degree) damage limit> 5 kg (H=80%, T=23 degree) tape width (31.6+/-0.1) mm tape length (100 – 300) m (Cu+Au) thickness of coating (750+/-50) A resistance (35+/-5) Ohm/m oil on surface exist?No or comments shipment list scan of list
14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC3 Straw specification Straw dimensions and properties: (D0)- (9.77 0.05) mm elliptic shape - 0.1 mm (diff. D1 and D2 from D0) seam width- (0.6 0.2) mm seam shape- “good” (visual inspection) length mm active area (total-(2400 1) mm at dP=0 Bar) non straightness - 0.2 mm (dP=1 Bar) increasing- (0.04 0.01) mm per dP=1 Bar overpressure gas leakage - < cc/min (N2 at dP=1.5 Bar for repair straw) skin resistance R- (35 5) Ohm/m elongation 1- 1 mm at dP=1 Bar overpressure elongation 2- 4 mm at F=1 kg overpressure test- dP=3 10 min cyclic test - N=10 cycles (dP: 0->3Bar->0) long term test - > 3 months at dP=1.2 Bar seam tensile test- > 5 kg (t.b.d.) Production technology and rate: ultrasonic welding 20 straws per shift
14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC4 Conditions of straw manufacturing “clean room” with control T=(23+/-1) degree, humidity H=(65+/-5)%, clean (dust control) and atmospheric P+10 mbar control the set up of the machine (each day): ultrasonic generator amplitude and clock ultrasonic head pressure to Al tape tape friction tension and speed of transport mechanics flush inert gas of welding region (by ionization gun, clean anvil and tape from dust) automatically check seam quality by microscope with video camera (simultaneously with welding) for each straw cut 2 samples (start and end) and to do seam test by tensile test machine using box for straw transportation and storage
14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC5 “Clean room” S is about: S=(3.5x6)=21 m2 Dust – class (6-7) ISO Overpressure inside – few mbar Temperature and humidity will be stable and record to DB Special shoes, clothes, gloves Antistatic floor rug
14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC6 Equipment and tools inside “Clean room” Equipment: temperature sensor humidity sensor atmospheric pressure sensor counter of a number of dust particles in air air flow meter straw manufacturing machine based on ultrasonic welding oscilloscope (amplitude measurement) frequency meter (check ultrasonic generator freq.) sensor for measurement pressure of ultrasonic head to tape sensor for measurement tape friction sensor for measurement temperature inside of seam “ionization” gun (clear anvil from dust) tensile machine for seams quality control microscope with video camera -> on-line QC -> “seams photos -> DB*” computer optical microscope -> for visual seam quality check -> DB bar code generator (for straw labeling) * DB – data base Tools: ultrasonic head clean tools set of calibers for straw diameter measurement-> DB tool for straw length calibration (based on scissors) box for straw transportation 1 or 2 boxes for straws mass storage
14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC714-Dec-157 Straw welding machine, heard and anvil
14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC8 Straw machine with microscope + oscilloscope
14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC9 Ultrasonic generator control frequency: F=38 kHz amplitude: U=40 V
14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC10 Seam shape QC by microscope “Good” seam shape “Bad” seam shape
14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC11 Gun with ionization air: for clean of anvil and tape from dust
14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC12 Weld seam visual QC for DB
14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC1314-Dec-1513 “go - no go” gauge for straw diameter check
14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC14 Tool for straw length calibration (based on scissors) L=(2400+/- 1) mm
14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC15 Tools for straws QC (continue) Outside of “Clean room”: stand “overpressure test” (dP=3 bar) -> DB tool for assembly straw with end plugs tool for straw non straightness measurement (based on video camera) tool for nipples installation tool for straw filling with Nitrogen before storage long term test with dP=(1.5-2) bar (inside storage boxes) stand “straw gas leak measurement” -> DB tools for straw reparation etalon/reference metal “straw” (no gas leak) set of etalon straws (for straw gas leak measurements)
14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC16 Overpressure QC
14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC17 Straw assembly with end plugs Option 1: Straw assembly based on optical bench (L.Glonty design) Option 2: Machine for straw assembly (Yu.Fedotov design)
14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC18 Straw (with end plugs) non straightness QC Method: - straw is rotate on flat table - visual control of straw deformations - preliminary straws sorting Method: - straightness calibration by wire - video camera + data processing
14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw status19 Straw diameter and non straightness measurement
14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC20 Straw long term test (1-3 months) = damage + gas leak Used nipple from bake well dP=1.5 Bar at (1-3) months
14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC21 Straw gas leak value measurement (if needed) Reference straw Tested straw Diff. manometer Ch1 Ch2 Straw gas leakage measurement stand based on diff. manometer
14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC22 Plans Straws: QC of straw production (Dubna)– Sep -Feb 2010 mylar order (CERN)– Aug-Sept 2009 mylar (Cu+Au) coating(CERN)- Oct - Dec 2009 mylar cutting on rolls (CERN)– Jan - Feb 2010 straw end plug production (4000 sets – CERN) – Jan-May straws manufacture and QC tests (4 months)– start July 2010 (Dubna) storage 4x400 straws under pressure (Dubna)- start Aug. 2010
14-Dec-15S.Movchan Straw manufacturing and QC23 Conclusion Tape and straw specifications – fixed Preparation of “Clean room” with temp., hum. and dust control - in progress Straw QC procedures – well defined Part of tools – already exist Additional tools for straw production, assembly and QC - in design Order of needed sensors, tensile machine, “ionization” gun … – in progress Plans: certification straw manufacturing procedure – June 2010 start straw mass-production – July 2010