Pick-up techniques
Favor /question asking Create the opportunity of talking to her.
Confidence Introduce yourself honestly. The attitude is important.
location location a location with mutual interest, e.g. certain activities, election campaign, temples
Success-guaranteed rules do NOT exist!
Beauty She does not have to be the most beautiful girl in the world. If she somehow wims your respect, she might be your Ms.right.
Be dressed Your appearance matters.
First Impression Make yourself impressive at first sight
Confidence You do not have to be perfect, just be a little special and better compared to others.
A baker’s wife may bite of a bun, a brewer’s wife may bite of a tun. Whoever comes first gets served first. get to know the person
Invitation Show her/him your intellegence.
Mystery Don't tell her the answer directly, keep her in doubt.
Show your virtue Let her know more about your advantage.
Sometimes reject = attract Make him/her the one who takes action first sometimes.
Kiss Pretend that you’re kissing her, then let her take next steps.
No cheating When he/she finds out, he/she will be really angry.
Find out what he/she likes Easy to start a conversation
Praise him/her specifically Try to become the most unique person to her.
Surprise him/her Impress him/her