You Demonstrate Knowledge In Different Ways… Written Test Oral Test Practical Test …
We Say ‘We Know Jesus’ How Do We Demonstrate We Know Jesus? How Do We Know We Really Know Jesus? 1 John 2:3-11
I. The Practical Test – The Obedience Test,3 A.The Question, 3a now by this – we know – that we know Him – => Can we have assurance we know Him? B.The Answer, 3b if we keep His commandments Practical test, simple test Jesus on obedience
II. The Oral Test – He Who Says ‘I know Him’ 4-11 Observe the phrase: ‘He who says…’ 4,6,9 three oral claims or sayings, John tests them A.He who says I know Him and … 4,5 Note 1 st person singular Negative – does not keep … 4 Positive - but whoever keeps His word … 5 Keep – e.g. of things the obedient seek to ‘keep’ Mt 5 12,24,39,44 6 6,19,33 7 1,5,12,24-27 We have assurance we know Him if we keep/obey His commands.
II. The Oral Test – He Who Says ‘I know Him’ 4-11 B. He who says he abides in Him … 6 Positive – ought to walk as He walked Follow Jesus example Jn 13 5,12-17 Lk Lk Mk Mt 8 3 We have assurance we know Him if we walk as He walked.
C. He who says he is in the light and … 7-11 Setup for saying 7,8 Negative – and hates his brother is in darkness 9 Positive – loves his brother abides in light 10 Negative – hates his brother abides in darkness 11 And does not know where he is going John focuses on one commandment – love your brother love one another/brother J13 34,35 Ro13 8 1Pt1 22 1J3 11,23 4 7,11,12 We have assurance we know Him if we love our brother
How Do We Demonstrate We Know Jesus? We obey Jesus commands as the routine for our daily life. We walk as Jesus walked. We love our brother. The major demonstration.
What Does This Say To You? 1.You realize that the tests John gives, show that you do not know Jesus. You must begin by coming to authentic faith. 2.You realize the importance of practically demonstrating your knowledge of Jesus and you know you need to do a better job. 3.You realize that you are not perfect but that you have a general inclination to obey God’s commandments and this gives you assurance that you know Jesus as Savior.