Key Issues and Recommendations Maximum Workload New requirements for Adjunct payments – course and work type New requirements for Adjunct payments – work hours New functionality AGENDA
Key Issues 1.Compliance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) 2.Pay determination for contracts 3.Compliance with RIT policy E1.0 (maximum workload for Adjuncts) Recommendations for Credit Hours and Work Hours For standard credit bearing courses: EAF would require the credit hours for the course HR will calculate work hours at 3 hours of work for every 1 credit hour (this should accommodate approximately 80% of the Adjunct contracts). For non-standard courses that do not have associated credit hours OR for courses that require work hours in excess of the 3:1 ratio: The department will determine the excess work hours on a weekly basis. EAF would include “Other work hours” per week in addition to any credit hours that are assigned to the course (0 for non-credit bearing courses) For any non-course related work, the department would provide the anticipated total hours worked for the appointment period EAF would include “total work hours” for the full appointment period KEY ISSUES AND RECOMMENDATIONS
The maximum workload as defined in policy E1.0 states “The annualized load may not exceed 50% of the full-time load as defined by the dean of the college.” The total work hours worked by an Adjunct must be less than 1000 hours in a calendar year. For those cases where a full time faculty member retires or terminates and is asked to return as an adjunct, all of their time worked in the calendar year would count towards the annual maximum. (typically it will be 840 hours for Intersession and Spring semester) Colleges will be responsible for monitoring the total hours in a calendar year for compliance with the cap. They will need to adjust contracts where necessary. HR will provide a manager self-serve report with total hours for any given time period for all adjunct jobs across the university. MAXIMUM WORKLOAD
An individual course number or specific work type (for non- course payments) is required for all payments Course numbers come directly from People Soft SIS and are up to date Work types include – course development, tutors, coach or assistant coach, writing consultant, guest lecturer, mentor, etc. Payments must be entered as one payment per course or work type Lab payments can no longer be added together, each payment must be separate. Exceptions to this must be submitted to Julie Hawk for approval prior to submitting the payment NEW REQUIREMENTS FOR ADJUNCT PAYMENTS – COURSE AND WORK TYPE
Credit bearing courses will have work hours calculated at 3 hours of work for every credit hour. This includes prep time, grading, office hours etc. ex. 9 hours work for a 3 credit hour course Other work hours for courses outside of the credit hour calculation such as additional class time must be entered for each payment If a course does not have credit hours the total work hours per week must be entered including class time, prep time, grading, office hours, etc. Work hours for non-course work types must be entered as a total for the semester or contract period Each department will need to estimate the total work hours for the semester. Many factors may impact the total work hours. Please contact your HR Services Manager for guidance. NEW REQUIREMENTS FOR ADJUNCT PAYMENTS – WORK HOURS
WORK HOURS – EXAMPLES Course TypeCredit HoursOther Work Hours Total Work Hours 3 credit lecture – meets 5 hours per week3211=(3x3)+2 1 credit lab – meets 1 hour per week103=3x1 0 credit lecture – meets 3 hours per week099 4 credit lecture/lab – meets 6 hours per week4214=(4x3)+2 4 credit independent study – no class hours4012=4x3 0 credit recitation – meets 1 hour per week with no additional time for prep etc credit studio – meets 1 hour per week with 3 hours additional prep time 044
ORACLE SCREENS – SEMESTER PAYMENTS Enter number of credit hours from SIS, enter 0 if no credit hours Enter any additional work hours PER WEEK not already accounted for with credit hours Enter 0 if no other work hours Enter total anticipated work hours for the term
Adjunct Other payment type Used when the contract period is different than the full semester Can be used when crossing semesters or when the period is shorter than a semester The start and end date must be entered The start date cannot be earlier than the current fiscal year start (7/1) Should use pay period start and end dates For all payment types, Oracle will calculate the correct per pay period amount based on the total contract amount entered NEW FUNCTIONALITY
ORACLE SCREEN ADJUNCT – OTHER TERM Same information needed as for semester payments. Enter start date and then uncheck the box labeled “Ongoing” to enter the end date
HR website Communications Page Manager Self Serve website Academic Affairs Faculty/Staff policies website Julie Hawk HR Services Managers RESOURCES