Navigating APEX & The Grad Lab
Introduction to APEX Watch these videos and be sure to take good notes, there will be a quiz which is due before you will be permitted to progress to Unit 2 of your course. Now continue on to other important information.
Homework Assignments You MUST get your Grad Lab Contract Signed & You need to submit the Introduction Quiz prior to beginning Unit 2 of the course. You are required to score 80% or better on the Introduction Quiz to be allowed access to Unit 2 of your course.
Quizzes You are allowed 3 chances to take each quiz. If you fail on the 1 st or 2 nd attempt you may reset the quiz on your own. You are allowed ONLY 1 teacher reset on a quiz. To obtain a teacher reset you are required to present the teacher with notes. You should take notes as you work through the course in the event that you will need them for a reset. You may use ALL notes on all assignments including exams.
Proctored Assignments All Teacher Scored Tests (TST) are proctored. You must take a proctored assignment in the grad lab with a teacher present. To request a teacher to allow access to a proctored assignment you must complete all required coursework in the Unit. You will not be permitted to work more than 2 Units ahead of any proctored exam. When you are ready for a proctored exam ask a grad lab teacher to print or allow you access. Some proctored exams are online and some are printed exams You may NOT use any ONLINE resources during a proctored assignment.
Testing protocol All proctored exams must be taken WITHOUT the use of any electronic device. Cell phones will be taken up when an exam is requested. All computers must be closed and put away while taking an exam Only written notes or textbooks may be used during an exam. Exams may NEVER leave the testing room. Each student has 4 hours to complete an exam. That is the equivalent of 3 class periods. Unfinished tests beyond that point will be graded “as is.” All unfinished tests must be left in the turn-in tray and can be requested at a later date. All completed tests must be submitted in the turn-in tray with a stamp.
Other written assignments Some assignments are written. All original credit students are required to complete all assignments in the course including all written assignments. You may obtain copies of written assignments from a grad lab teacher. To request a copy see the teacher during class or at lunch. You may also print your own copy of written assignments (practices, journals) All written assignments must be submitted to the turn-in trays in the grad lab and stamped.
Other Online Assignments In addition to quizzes, discussions must be submitted online. See in class instructions in the bins on your desk for further instruction on completing discussion assignments Once a discussion is completed online, you must submit a blank discussion prompt to the turn-in tray with your name and the date you submitted the discussion online ONLY. This is the only way we know that you completed this assignment.
What type of course am I in? Some students will be taking a course for credit recovery, some for original credit, and some for test review or Unit recovery. Original credit (OC) students must complete ALL graded assignments (indicated by the code OCRI.OC) Credit recovery (CR) students must complete only Quizzes and Tests unless they a failed a quiz. If a CR student fails a quiz, he or she must ask a grad lab teacher for further instructions on which assignments must be completed. Test review or Unit Recovery students may see codes such as OCRI.SI or the course name will indicate TAKS or STAAR or Unit Recovery
Due Dates All students will have due dates assigned and must complete all work by the due dates. All students should set a schedule of about 1 unit per week and determine how many assignments they must complete daily (on average) to meet their goals. All written work takes approximately 10 days from the date submitted to receive a score. You should keep good notes on which written assignments you have submitted. Semester deadlines will be hard deadlines and no work will be permitted after the deadline without prior approval. Each course should be completed in 90 days or less with an ideal course completion time of 45 days.
Retesting If you fail a Unit test you may retake it one time. You should attend tutorials with your assigned teacher of record prior to requesting a retake. All retakes must be completed prior to taking the final exam. The final exam can ONLY be take ONCE.
Teachers of Record Below you will find a list of the teachers of record and their room. Use to find addresses for your teachers. You should seek tutorials from your teacher of record if you are struggling in the course. English: Coach Roberts – J313 Math: Ms. McMorris – J225 Science: Ms. Goellner – J218 Social Studies: Mr. J. Guerrero – Floater, teacher directly for assistance Spanish 3: Ms. Garcia – Magnet office (Attucks), teacher directly for assistance Spanish 2: Ms. Rodriguez – Attucks, teacher directly for assistance Spanish 1/French: Ms. Trevino – Health: Coach Hines – Attucks, teacher directly for assistance Prin. Info Tech: Hankins – J145 Comm Aps: TBA
Rules & Off-Task Behavior All students must follow all agreed upon rules as discussed in class and posted on the announcement board. Failure to comply with rules or participating in behaviors that could be considered off-task is grounds for disciplinary action and subject to consequence. In addition to stated rules: Sleeping, playing games, social networking, or excessive use of your phone all constitute off-task behavior and are subject to the same consequences. Consequences include: parent contact, office referral, removal from the grad lab.
Attendance/Tardy Attendance is required during all times that the class is in session. Failure to attend class could result in being dropped from the course. All original credit students dropped from the course will be dropped with a 50W which equates to a failing grade reported to your transcript. Poor attendance will also result in possible court referral and all fines and consequences as assigned by the court. Tardiness is not tolerated in the grad lab. All students who arrive late to class must present a pass from an appropriate teacher or office and sign in on the tardy log.